Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Sarvar Kaziev: A Senior Profile Portrait by Sabrina Kwong (2015)

An open-minded, encouraging, and focused teacher. Sarvar Kaziev teaches piano, composition, and piano theory at the Avloni Academy of Music. He attended Uzbekistan State Conservatory of Music and composed arrangements of songs for bands during his twenties. His original profession was a conductor and he has written music for movies and theater. Music has been a big part of his life as he continues to share his knowledge with his students of all ages.

I took this shot in front of the Academy and took several other shots inside the different rooms of the music academy. The struggles I had were finding or creating the right lighting for the profile portrait of my person, and choosing the best picture out of all the ones I managed to take in the right format. I did however succeed in finding one picture in which I thought brought out the warm yet serene side of Kaziev.
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