Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Nazeebo: A Junior Illustration Project by Aidan Thurber (2021)

My inspiration for this project was a hero from the game Heroes of the Storm that a streamer I like plays. I’ve been watching him for years and despite whatever changed, and whatever meta was most important at the time he stuck with his hero. This is a inspired piece of one of his emotes of the champions. The Simplistic design I went for was to show how a simple hero can be played so many different ways and despite everything that can be changed, it all comes down to a couple lines to really make the character who they are. A few struggles I had was coming up with an idea for the Narrative Illustration, as I had far too many and tons of ideas. I ultimately settled with the current design due to the streamer I love finally reaching 100,000 followers. If I could change anything, it would probably be having a title at the top saying “TAZDINGO!” As it is the catchphrase of the character. I’m most proud of how I was able to recreate his emote from the stream into a simplistic design. Related website
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