james bond

So we’ve heard MVHS Prom 2007 is the place to be…
With the very best theme from a movie we always like to see…
Supposedly all the LAHS students want to come to our Prom…
So then we decided to invite some guys, all named Tom…
But then we thought it through once more…
And then we changed our minds and decided we like you all more…
Now we are officially inviting you both to go to prom,
(And maybe even see James Bond…)
So please say yes, and be quick to respond.
Evening of May 26th
Avalon Night Club, 8:00

We can figure all the details out later, and we already checked with your mom who said it was all good with her. So we hope you can come. FYI you will 'offically' be dates for Jessica, and Jeff, because, I, Deanna, already have a date whom doesn't go to our school.

With love,
Deanna, and Jessica
(and the guys!)