


click here to go to the webpage with all of our work.
Our Client
Our client was Defenders of Wildlife. Our contact within the organization worked specifically to protect wolves in Oregon. Defenders of Wildlife has been involved in saving the wolves ever since they were added to the Federal Endangered Species List. More specifically, Defenders worked to restore wolves to the Northern Rockies, gray wolves to the Southwest, and red wolves to the Southeast.
Our Freestyle ACAAT Design and Production
TeamOur production team included, ourselves, Deanna and Kavita, plus Lauren Medeiros, and Mary Schultz. We, as web/audio students recorded and edited the radio spots, and also created the web page. Lauren and Mary each created a different commercial, but they also had other miscellaneous assignments to complete for their film class. Each person in our group was required to write a persuasive essay, and a poster for our client.
Main Messages of our PSA Campaign
Although it seems we misplaced the paper that Ms. Pedinotti helped us create our well-worded main message on, we have a not so articulate main message. Message: To break the myths surrounding wolves, and promote awareness to how wolves are a keystone species in balancing our eco-systems.
Color Scheme
For our color scheme on the website we wanted more natural easy-on-the-eye colors. We ended up looking at color palettes, similar to the ones you’d use to choose a paint color for a room, to “inspire” us. The main color we used is a light pastel green for its calming effect. Of course we also use black, grey and white, but those are actually not colors but tones.

Products Created to Convey our PSA Campaign Message
As we stated before, there were many components to complete the PSA project. In total there is: 1 web page, 2 commercials, 4 persuasive essays, 4 posters, and 4 radio spots.
For the website we wanted a very simple typography. We choose Century Gothic for all titles and sub-titles. For actual content on our pages we chose Arial because it is the universal typography for web pages.
What are we most proud of in this project? We are most proud of completing and surviving the project. No it was not a bad project, just a very short amount of time to complete it in.