May 8, 2017





A project we developed in class, each student was assigned two random words that would complete a statement. Crossroads, being an experimental film, therefore explores the feeling of resignation through an experience of loss. Although it’s completely up to interpretation, I translated this statement as being the act of holding onto the past. A visual metaphor, the protagonist of the film carries around her memories with her despite them weighing her down, the question being when to let go of them. Having been the first film I created, Crossroads is far from perfect, but created a much needed foundation for the skills I would later develop. Presenting me with a series of challenges, from properly using a DSLR camera to casting and directing an actor to then editing the raw footage on Adobe Premiere, I learned to express myself in more unconventional methods.



At the Corner of Hope and Mercy

Every project we’ve worked on at Freestyle has been challenging in some way, shape, or form. Because you work on them for months at a time, they’re not something you can finish in one sitting. For the documentary unit, on top of writing an article and designing a layout on InDesign, I had to work with a partner to create a profile documentary in the form of a short film.

It wasn’t until this past year that I came to realize that I can be a perfectionist. This isn’t necessarily a bad quality, but in the making of the documentary I had to rely on a partner, which is commonplace in the workforce. Such collaboration meant that I had to let go of the fact that I couldn’t control everything. If I wanted to interview someone, I would be able to decide what questions were asked and in what order, but I wouldn’t be able to control the cameras, what positions they were in and how to move them. Thus, I learned the art of dedication all the while overcoming the simple challenge of letting go.



Video Essay

Make Belief