I’ve always thought that getting older and discovering who you are went hand in hand. I used to think that by age 18, I would have everything all figured out; I would know my strengths and weaknesses, how to handle tough situations, make the right choices, know right from wrong, know my priorities and act accordingly. I always thought I would know what I want and how to get it; know where I want to go and how to get there. Well that certainly isn’t the case. My 18th birthday came and went and I feel even less self aware than when I was younger and not yet an “adult”. I’m starting to realize the difference between what the people around me expect of me and what I expect of myself. It’s easy to take on a sort of chameleon approach in high school and blend in with your surroundings. Too many times I’ve watched people suppress they’re beliefs or opinions in fear of upsetting others or having other peoples view of them change. Too many times have I found myself becoming de-sensitized to certain things that used to upset me because I didn’t want to upset others. Too many times have i succumbed to the pressure to meet the expectations of the people around me, all the while losing sight of what I what for myself.
I am motivated by the people in my life to explore this topic further through my art. I am also motivated by my own journey to discover the person I am today versus the person I want to be and I am motivated by the fear of letting others turn me into someone I’m not proud of, as well as the fear of not being good enough. 
            I chose to visually represent this idea through illustrations using my own sketches combined with the program illustrator. This piece represents my past, my present, and my future. Incorporated are feelings, emotions, aspirations, and shortcomings. I hope the viewer will take away a sense of empowerment from my artwork, and understand the idea that “Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his being in the society in which he lives. Man's life is independent. He is born not for the development of the society alone, but for the development of his self.” (B.R. Ambedkar)