



narrative unit::


Our narrative unit required us to tie in our projects with narration, precisely, a story. We started to come up with ideas for a story to convey to our audience through different techniques besides an ordinary book. With that, we created a photo narrative, a series of photos that tell a story instead of words. Using that, we write our short story with it. Afterwards, we record the audio for the story, edit and add a bit here and there, creating a narrative movie. One of our final tasks was to create an animatic of the story, which is really a draft of a movie. Then we use flash to create a final one with or without a partner. While working on this, each class brainstormed on what our story should be for the children’s book (under illustration).

      I worked with Danielle on the animatic and the flash movie, which you can view under 'screenplay', including the photo narrative, narrative movie, and our original short story. Click the links on your left to view them. Enjoy!