Project Listing Page

Welcome to my Home Page. My name is Matt Ford. I am a senior at The Freestyle Academy. This page will take you to each website I have made, just use the diamond buttons to click to go from project to project. Each page has a teaser telling what the project ecompasses and what I created. You can click the "Home" button to get back to this page. I chose Freestyle because it had everything I was intrested in, and it connected all of the classes in an intresting way where all classes have an effect on each other. I couldn't have made a better choice, the classes are informative and useful towards life skills. They also help kids find passions for jobs later in life. I switched to Web Audio from Film, it was a smart choice because I found I was truly intrested in Web creation and Audio crafting. Hope you enjoy the site, thanks for looking through.

Welcome to My profile Page. You can click on "the view my website" button to view the website I created for tyhis project. Th eprofile project assignment is for students to go out and profile someone important or infuluential in the community. So it helps to have good contacts through family and friends. I chose my highschool lacrosse coach, Joe Juter. Joe has built the Mountain View program since its inception just five years ago. Lacrrose is predominantily an east coast sport, thriving in places like New York and Maryland, but has a huge budding scene on the west coast. Joe grew up in New York where he had a fabled playing career, going on to play for Ithica college in New York and then for the University of Arizona. He found the MOuntain VIew Program needed a head coach from a flyer while in a local starbucks. He had always wanted to pass his ideals and knowledge and love of the sport onto another generation. He was also excited about helping the west coast lacrosse scene become a force to be reckoned with. In the first three years of the program he took the team to three championships, unfortunatley losing all three. Joe has created a long lasting connection with his players and has a strong alumni system that fully supports the program. He teaches young men morals and life lessons through lacrosse, including thruthfullness, integrity and becoming more serious and focused people. Joe hopes to continue coaching for many generations and hopes to continue to spread his morals onto more kids every year. To read more and see pictures click on the link below.

The music video unit is an assignment where the students are put into groups an dthey must come up with a theme and a song. They are also required to make the music themselves in Pro tools. The actual process of creating the music both required creativity and drive to stay focused with the possible of playing with so many diffrent sounds and instruments. Then as a group of four we were also required to crate a music video based around the song we had created. Our group decided to think of an idea to film of and then create music based around that idea. The main tools used to create the music were Pro Tools and Reason. For the filming section we used a two camera system and tryed to display the best and our favorite things in the Bay Area.

The narrative unit is creating a story in english class and then animating the story in After Effects. You have to cast voice actors to help with characters. It all starts with a simple narrative idea in english. Then you must draw the character and storyboard out the idea. Then once those are both approved you must create an animatic of the story. We then had to take it into both design and webaudio. In design we create a book jacket for the story. In webaudio we had to learn a new program to animate in. Even though after effects was more difficult to learn is way more useful in the animation process.

During this unit I learned a lot about myself and the way my brain thought,in an artistic way. Explorations at Freestyle was our last project, so thye made it relatively calm. We would meditate and explore our minds, and thoughts. We were tought about our "Blink" Brains our our first pretenses towards people. In Web Audio we were told to explore the internet until yhou found something you liked and then try and replicate the concept. I liked the thought of an opening animation or moving pieces.

In WebAudio, we also learned about responsive web design, meaning that the website will scale depending on the platform being used to view it. If you're on a phone or a tablet, for example, you're seeing either the phone or tablet version of my website.

This was our last Freestyle project ever. I am thankful for the opportunities Freestyle has given me and so appy that I will be able to use what I learned here for the future.