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Artist Statement


When I was growing up, I’ve notice myself become an identity that was based on others comments just to achieve what is normal. What I didn’t notice until now was how much of an idiot I was being. I tried to do things that I wasn’t capable of pulling off, like having my parents back together. I found that I was ashamed of myself for the position I was given and was rejecting where I came from. Today, I have decided never to reject my background and to just be me. My statement is this, “Don’t reject who you are; don’t base your identity on another; have your identity be authentic.”
I’ve chosen my piece to be a techno album entitled “Authenticity”. I have chosen music for my piece because of all genres of art there is out there, music is one of the most popular mediums today. I have decided to take photos of various peoples’ eyes and spread them not only on the cover, but inside the packet and on the CD as well. Eyes represent the enterince to the spirit and mind of the person; by having eyes everywhere, the viewer can see the various forms of an identity.
I hope that others who see this will be proud of who they are and never look down on themselves in their lives.


Quicktime is required for all songs. All songs are .MP3.


Due to some technical problems, all the songs that contain lyrics cannot be seen. I am incredible sorry for this inconvience.


Click on the images to view them.


Cover pt. 1

Cover Pt. 2

