Tanshi Mohan



Hi, my name is Tanshi Mohan, a junior at Freestyle academy. Over this past semester, I have created a couple projects for my classes. In Design, we learned how to do conceptual photography.  In English, we wrote poems, a flash fiction, and a documentary book. The requirements for the flash fiction assignment prohibited dialogue in our story, and kept us at a maximum of 750 words. In Digital Media, we created audio for our Flash Fiction, including music to build character and plot themes, and sound effects to accompany our written piece. To check out my projects, click on the boxes below. For our documentary project, each student picked a person, place, organization, or business to interview and document. We then published a book that we created in InDesign. The final project of our junior year was the Explorations Project. Juniors were able to choose a topic of their choice to explore. This criteria of this included learning a new skill or refining one we already have learned.

Our first project of Junior year was the Conceptual Project. This project helped us learn how to visualize metaphors and use symbolism. For this unit, we were given a prompt and had to visually capture it with a photograph and haiku. We also went to the SF Moma to write an ekphrastic poem on a piece of artwork. An ekphrastic poem is a person's reaction to a piece of artwork. The technical skills learnd through this project were how to use Premiere Pro, Pro Tools, and Photoshop. To see the end product- see http://freestyleacademy.rocks/~TanshiM/conceptual.html
In English, we wrote poems, a flash fiction, and a documentary book. The requirements for the flash fiction assignment prohibited dialogue in our story, and kept us at a maximum of 750 words. In Digital Media, we created audio for our Flash Fiction, including music to build character and plot themes, and sound effects to accompany our written piece. We learned how to use Pro Tools and Premiere Pro for this project. In Design, we learned how to use Adobe Illustrator to make a comic that represented our story. To see the end products- see https://freestyleacademy.rocks/~TanshiM/narrative.html
During second semester, juniors had to interview and write a book on a local organization, business, or person. I chose to write about a local business called Teaspoon. In Digital Media, we coded a website and made an intro commerical for the book. We learned how to use InDesign, Reason, and Adobe After Effects for this project. To learn more about this project- see https://freestyleacademy.rocks/~TanshiM/documentary.html
boba tea
The last project of junior year,we got to chose to expand on one of our skills or explore a new one. I chose to make my own music using Reason.- see https:/freestyleacademy.rocks/~TanshiM/explorations.html