Final Products

Research Paper:

My zenith research was on animation is useful in all kinds of ways instead of just being a tool for telling kids’ fairytale.

to be updated



Rough ver.

(due to bad time management, I wasn’t able to finish my animation on time, so here’s only the rough ver. I will update the finished final version when finished with it)


Consument Product:

This is a product that we will make based on the zenith project. The product is designed to be sold or something that will come together with the project. Since I made an animation for my zenith project, I decide to make a 3D print model of one of the characters in the animation for my consumer product.

Design of the model

The 3D print model it self is still in making progress. I used a application called “zbrush” to make my model that will eventually be printed out by the 3D printer.