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Freestyle Academy of Communication Arts & Technology

1299 Bryant Ave, Mt. View, CA 94040 T 650-940-4650 x5090
2 Required Classes: English and Digital Media 3rd/Elective Class:  + Animation or Design or Film

Freestyle Academy Field Trip info to

SF Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)
(Updated 8-30-2023)

SFMOMA (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art) features lots of different kinds of art which will hopefully be a source of inspiration for you and your art that you create at Freestyle. Our goals for you on this field trip is to provide you an opportunity to see other artists' work as a source of inspiration. Another goal is provide both AM and PM students an opportunity to join together in a combined Freestyle outing. We hope that you can connect with more people at Freestyle - Animation/Design/Film, AM/PM, and LAHS/MVHS.

When is the field trip: Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Everyone can join the field trip regardless if a contribution of $15 or more is made - see Contributions about how to contribute. Money should NOT be the reason why you don't go on the field trip.

REQUIRED Permission form due Monday 8-26-2024:

  1. Download the parent permission for here.
  2. Please sign it DIGITALLY. If you don't know to sign a PDF form digitally, please watch this EXAMPLE short video.
  3. After parent and student has signed the form, close it (because you can't rename it while it's open). Then ADD to the front of the filename your “Lastname_Firstname_” so the file like looks like
  4. Submit the newly named pdf file through this form by the deadline of Monday August 26, 2024. No forms are accepted on August 27 - the day of the field trip.
  5. Check this list to see if you have submitted the form. This spreadsheet may not reflect accurate payment record especially if you just recently submitted your contributions.

Attendance: You will be excused only from Periods 3, 5, and 7 on the day of the Field Trip. You must attend your Schedule B Period 1 class as usual. Attendance will be called into your attendance office once the buses are on the road. Parents do NOT need to call the attendance office to excuse absences due to the field trip.

You will NOT be allowed to go on the field trip if you don't submit a signed permission form by 11:59 PM on Monday August 26, 2024. NO FORMS will be accepted on the day of the field trip.

Before getting on the bus

Bus departures

At SF MOMA - map


School Photo and Emergency Evacuation Meeting Point

Returning home

After the field trip, please share and upload your photos if you wish to this gallery but please do so from your personal account (not MVLA or Freestyle account because the photos will disappear when your accounts will be deleted after you graduate)