
This week I depicted my future through this photo. My subject is holding up her grad hat, but it’s also mine! (because we’re sharing and also because we’re going to the same college GO BANANA SLUGS). It’s inspiring that all my hard work paid off and I get to go to my dream college with such a beautiful campus and an amazing community 🙂


This week I depicted food. However, there’s more meaning to this image than just really yummy ingredients. This relates back to an earlier post about culture, because they are the ingredients to gazpacho! In this image, I’m showing all the vegetables used: onions, cucumbers, garlic and bell peppers. These are the supplementary ingredients that support the tomato to form such an iconic taste. (Definitely one of my favorite foods ever).

Current Events

This week I depicted current events. I chose to feature a mask, because it seems to be the icon of the epidemic. Everyone around you is wearing one in public, including me. It’s just a constant reminder of the gloomy situation we’re all in. Instead of presenting it in that context, I decided to present it in a more upbeat and colorful way, since it’s one of the factors that’s slowing the spread and saving us 🙂


This week I depicted music through an image. I really liked the different aspects of this shot, and partly because it looks cool. This is actually a single frame of a video, however I really liked the visual element that the water added to the music. The water acts as a catalyst for the sound waves. So when we look at the image, we see the water splashing. But really, the water is acting as a visualization for sound coming from the drum.


This week I depicted work. I filmed this shot by dropping money onto the camera, and trying to get a quick shot of it falling. But what it actually ended up looking like was the money going away from the hand in the photo. I really like this interpretation of it, because some work can be arduous, and maybe you’re really only there for the money. In this interpretation, the hand is grasping for money.


My friend shooting a photo with his camera.

For this weeks Photo-blog, the theme was inspiration. In this photo, I wanted to show my inspiration through a form of symbolism. Even though this photo is just of my friend, I wanted him to remain anonymous because it’s really an inspiration that comes from all artists. The people who go out and do what they love because they just love it are very inspirational to me. The spontaneity and quality of their work is what encourages me to continue with mine.

My Habits

My gaming setup

For this weeks Photo-blog, our theme was our habits. I wanted to focus on a big one of mine, which was gaming. For me, I see it as a bad habit, but it has taught me a lot of skills over the years, such as problem solving and actively learning. Even though it can be a distraction at times, this habit is a mixed bag for me.

Photo Blog Introduction

For our Digital Media class, we had to take a photo every week about a different topic. For me, I take the weekly assignment to challenge my artistic values and push myself as a photographer. I like to take photos of people because it feels good to make them smile when they see a job well done. Aside from that, using professional techniques such as adjusting the f stop to get more bokeh, or decreasing the shutter to let more light in always gives me a warm feeling when I do it right and come out with a nice product.