
During the Narrative Unit, I was tasked with answering the question “How well can you visually tell a structured story?”

Beginning with an exploration of prose fiction and the graphic novel, I had practice communicating character and story arc through descriptive storytelling, narrative digital art, storyboards, and films. I deepened my technical communication skills by learning a variety of modern professional equipment and applications such as Wacom Digital Drawing Pads, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator,Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Avid Pro Tools.

Each class had their own Visual Narrative Project, where I learned how to effectively tell a story. In English, I created my own stories and even a play. In Digital Media, I recorded that story into an audio form and create more artwork in Illustrator. In Film, I produced a short film with an original story. By practicing storytelling through these different mediums, I’ve become more confident in my creative endeavors, knowing that it is alright to fail.


Short Story

In English, we were tasked with creating a short story as part of our narrative unit. In my story, which loosely follows the true story of one of my relatives, the name character named Joshua attempts to deal with the realities of the world. Several assignments like a Character Questionnaire and Plot Map assisted in the development of my story. The questionnaire was a series of questions to help me develop my character, while the plot map assisted me in deciding the story.

Later in Digital Media, I would go on to create an audio version of the story, now posted on SoundCloud. Recorded on my portable audio recorder, it was edited in Pro Tools.

Paper Weight

    It was a dull, cold day in Chicago, and the tinny ringing of an alarm was coming from my right ear. I quickly cast off my down sheets, which landed on the floor with a satisfying thump, and stood up from the bed like a rocket from a launchpad. I’d never seen the stars so vividly in my life as they twinkled like diamonds in the mud. Soon a rumbling came from my feet, a quivering, that like of an earthquake which sent me to my knees, forcing me to submit to its power. Yet when I looked around at my surroundings, it would seem that nothing had occurred. Dust had not danced around my room, nor was there any pyrex ready to slice my feet open until you could see the red of the muscles as they contract and expand. Doubt had implanted itself in my mind from which questions over the validity of the earthquake arose. Had it really happened? Was it all part of my mind? If an actual quake had occurred, then people would be in the street, checking on the status of their neighbors.

    I mustered up the courage to venture to the front door of my shack. Whilst walking through my house, another seed began to bloom. One of unknown origin, that for whatever reason, arriving at the door would be a decision I’d come to regret. My scabby hand reaching for the doorknob, life seemed to get sucked out of my soul. In one brash movement, I opened the door to find myself with the Grim Reaper.

Dear Jacob Peters,

    As of today, January 13, 2012, you are officially three entire months behind on your rent to me, the landlord. If you are unable to pay at the minimum one-third of the amount due by today, then we shall have to remove you and your belongings from the property.


Your Landlord

Theodore Krmiz

    Damm leprechaun continually coming at me for more money than his dilapidated shack is worth. I mean, icicles are beginning to form above my bed, and rats continuously run through the bedroom as if it were a highway at rush hour. Slamming the door closed, I continued to analyze the letter even though it was already apparent to me what had to happen, yet I wanted another way out. I checked my wallet – a moth flew out, its wings wishing me the best of luck. I’d never been fortunate with the green paper, always coming up short when it was most required.

    As a hidden little gem for the photography world, as I called myself, clients were rare, and work was sporadic. Maybe I should have listened to my parents and followed a path of education, not opting for the “lazy way of just taking photos” as they like to call it. After racking my brain for a while longer, I concluded that there would be no way for me to generate enough funds to pay the landlord. Sitting back down at the end of my bed, I peered around the room. To my left, a cracked porcelain tower with a waterfall across from it. To my right, an inferno box which let out black puffs of life once and a while, yet in between both of them lay a matte black box. One which excelled at capturing light. No, I couldn’t, that would equate to me losing my job. Yet the longer I stared at the box and streams of water began to run down my face, I knew what change was about to occur in my life. With sharp strikes of pain, as if someone was hitting the back of my hand with a ruler, I placed the camera up for sale. I crawled back into bed like a child return to their mother after falling and covered myself from the world. The damage to my pride was irreversible, I mean, I was selling my job so that I wouldn’t have to lose my house.

    Soon the tinny ringing harmoniously returned into my canal, with a sucker punch of reality shortly afterward. Where had the letter gone? Did I lose while I was asleep? For how long was I asleep? Why haven’t I been removed from the property? A static buzz began to take over my mind. Everything that appeared had this buzz tagging along almost like an annoying little brother, except it has the grip strength on an Olympic athlete. Darkness encroached over me, a twitch in my forearms signaled the buzzing was my worst fear: Theodore was at my door, ready to claim his property. As I threw myself out of bed in an attempt to impress him and maybe ask for an extension on the rent, a sharp, searing pain erupted from my left foot. A red opaque liquid began to cover the floor, and upon closer inspection of my foot, a translucent shard had dug its way into the flesh. They were all around my room, like mines on a battlefield. Still, the rent was more important, so even though every step was like two backward, I approached the door. The leprechaun was not found; instead, a taller man with a giant statue and blue uniform was on the other side.

    “Sir, are you okay. The police are checking up on houses in the area to make sure all residents are alright after the tremor that occur-”

    Before he had a chance to finish his sentence, a loud noise came from my innards. So it was all a ruse, fake, none of it had occurred. Rent wasn’t due, nor was I going to have to sell my camera. Then a loud yell came from outside, with what must have been a megaphone

    “Sir, a man named Theodore would like to speak with you could you step outside for a moment,”

Short story being edited in Pro Tools

Playwright Study

By partaking in English Honors, I was given the opportunity to read the works of a short story author or playwright, either emulating their style in a story or writing an analytical essay. Below you can find my attempt at writing a play in Peter Shaffer’s style.

The Defective Date

Coffee Shop

Friend 1: Have you heard what’s happened?

Friend 3: No!

Friend 2: What?

Friend 1: Well…

Friend 3: Come on

Friend 2: Just tell us

Friend 1: Bethany seems to be meeting up with someone

Friend 2: With who?

Friend 3: With who? 

Friend 1: Mark Lapicque, that good for nothing child who dares to take my friend away from me

Friend 2: Wow

Friend 3: Bethany can do better

Friend 2: Can she?

Friend 1:Have you ever considered why never had the chance to date anyone in the past?

Friend 2: No, not really I always thought she was just not very amicable to men

Friend 1[almost yelling ]: Wrong I’ve never let her have the chance to. Every single time that someone has approached her, I’ve deterred them. Saying that I already know whats she’s going to say and tell them not to try. Well, Mark here didn’t listen to me, and Bethany overheard his loud mouth and now there meeting up here at this coffee shop at who knows what time!

[Silence. Mark enters the stage from the right running, seeming to be a little lost and unable to find the shop. He fails to notice the three friends sitting at the table]

Friend 2[snarky tone]: And would you look at that

Friend 3[snarky tone]: Mark arrived

Friend 1: Ugh, why did he have to come now there was no point in his arrival

Mark[without paying attention to the friends]: Finally I’ve arrived, yet where is Beth. I’m unable to find her [Moves his head to look around] Oh no, was I too late? Has she already left without me? I knew I should have left my house at an earlier time, but what could I do? I had to wait until Mother returned. No, it’s okay. I’m just early. Yeah, I’m just early. There’s no way I’m late. I even ran as fast as I could, it would be impossible for me, a great athlete, to be late. [Silence, Mark patiently waits, standing nervously] Well, maybe I am late. But would she have already. Does punctuality matter that much her? What travesty that she is unable to wait for me. Such a marvelous fellow like myself shouldn’t need others to make them feel complete inside, for I am capable of leading a good life without her. Maybe that girl was right about Bethany’s feelings towards me. Perhaps I should have listened to her. If it’s true then did Bethany lie to me about wanting to meet up with me? Was it all a ruse? Nothing more than that. Was I just another flea to her, she just has to shoo me away, never to be seen again. No, that can’t be possible. If that is the case then I should raise the masses against her. She’ll be the giant that a king must slay, and I that king needs my soldiers to go and fight alongside me. What could I do to accomplish this task? In what manner could I destroy her life, as she attempts to destroy mine. I could spread nasty rumors about her. No, no, no, that would be too childish of me. Hmmm, I know I’ll get her friends to leave her. Still, there’s a possibility that she’s late and I am the one on time. But what are the odds of that happening? I mean, in those romance movies, the dude is the one that always seems to be running late, right? Maybe I’m just thinking about this too much, I’ll wait a little longer… Does my hair look okay?[Mark walks over to the empty table and sits down. A little time passes as seen by people leaving the shop and hands on the clock moving] [standing up quickly out of his seat] I shall no longer be toyed with. If this is the way that she is going to treat me, well then, I’m just going to…

[Bethany arrives at the shop]

Mark: Oh hi Bethany, over here

[Bethany walks over to Mark and sits down. They begin to talk, having what seems to be a good time. Focus is thrown back to the three friends] 

Friend 1: Are you seeing this? This is ridiculous.

Friend 3: What’s wrong? They seem to be having a good time chatting over there, is there a problem with that?

Friend 1: Of course. Bethany is only allowed to be friends with us. She doesn’t need anybody else. Why would she? We are literally perfect.

Friend 2: You know what, I’m not going to stand for this. I’m leaving.[Begins to stand up from her seat]

Friend 1: Wait, I don’t understand.

Friend 3: Y-You knows what. I’m also leaving. I can’t believe you’re acting so childishly right now.

Friend 1: Wait, please don’t leave. I’ll change I promise

Friend 2&3: No, we’re done being friends with you. Goodbye

[Friend 2 & 3 leave the stage. Friend 1 is left there at the table alone]

Friend 1[on the verge of tear]: What else do they expect me to do? 

[Focus shifts back to Mark and Bethany, who saw the altercation between the friends]

Mark: I wonder what happened.

Bethany: Probably got in an argument over something, they’ll make up by tomorrow

Mark: Wait how’d you know that?

Bethany: They’re my friends. You see, the girl who is sitting alone has quite strong opinions, and when things don’t go her way, she becomes aggressive towards others. Let me go talk with her[Bethany stands up and walks over to her friend]

Mark[to himself]: Sighs Bethany wasn’t a bad person after all. She made a mistake, like a human being. Maybe I should do the same and give people a second chance. Nobodies perfect, not even me, so why should someone else be. Alright, when she returns, I’ll apologize, and we can move on from there.


Though the syntax and vocabulary used in Amadeus are in no manner similar to the syntax and vocabulary used in The Defective Date, my goal was to imitate the style of writing that was found in the intro of Amadeus. What I found so intriguing was the manner in which Peter Shaffer introduced with characters, so that it all felt like it was the retelling of a true event that had occurred in the past, even if the story was a fictional biography. Even if the event was fictitious, the interactions had between the characters had a sense of realism behind them supporting the story. Schaffer created a play, through unique characters and dialogue which kept the listener planted to the story, which allowed the audience feel empathy for the struggle of Mozart.

While introducing characters in the beginning of the play, Peter uses fast and quick dialogue to convey the urgency of the situation at hand; an example of how he shows and doesn’t tell. In The Defective Date, one of the friends of Bethany, which is not told to the audience until later, walks into the stage to tell the news that she brings to her friends. As a secondary character, she does not play the most pivotal role or change in a major way, yet it is important for the reader to understand that the manner in which this character converses with others. She enjoys to speak about what would be considered gossip, also is unable to consider other perspectives from her one. When her friend asks her “What’s wrong?”, she becomes very defensive as if the friend were attacking her. In Amadeus, Peter Shaffer describes the Venticellos as “purveyors of fact, rumor and gossip…They speak rapidly…so that the scene has the air of a fast and dreadful Overture…always with the urgency of men who have ever been first with the news,”(Schaffer 9) While the Venticellos are not main characters, they give the narrative a sense of urgency to the whispers that have already spread throughout the theatre. Without them no anticipation will be felt by the audience for what has occured to Salieri. I attempted the forge the friends in a similar was a Schaffer did his Venticellos, a secondary character that is essential for the story as they provide a reason to why an action occurred; in The Defective Date, that being to show the Bethany is not the person Mark makes her out to be.

An artistic choice that I found to be unique is Shaffer’s use of  a long soliloquies in order to give the audience a better understanding of the main characters. Early in Amadeus, one of the main characters, Salieri, to speak to himself in his apartment, communicating the audience who he is as a person without the use of a narrator. One example of this is when Salieri “…was very much in love with Katherina – or at least in lust, But because of my vow to God, I was entirely faithful to my wife.”(Schaffer 18) This is only some of the small character development that is injected into a 4 page soliloquy, that develops his relations to the other characters that have been introduced. Another example is later in Act II when Salieri admits what he felt when Mozart died. “What did I feel? Relief, of course: I confess it. And pity too, for the man I helped to destroy. I felt  the pity God can never feel”( Schaffer 100). This response to himself demonstrates how he changed to accept Mozart’s music and how much it sorrows him to have led to his demise, for Salieri could have enjoyed more if jealousy had not taken him over. This is essential to show the story arc of Salieri and in The Defective Date, Mark can be seen having a similar moment when judging Bethany for being late to their date. In the beginning he places the blame on her and that she was “toying” with him. Yet when the story came to an end Mark decided to give her another chance after he saw how she went to help one of her friends when she was feeling down.


In Digital Media, we used Adobe Illustrator to create two projects. The first project was a light cover, where we would create a design that would be engraved into plastic. The second project was more open ended with multiple options, but I decided to engrave an old iPhone 5 with a fractal.

Geometric Light Cover

Light Cover Printed

Artist Statement

This Geometric Light Cover has no explicit meaning, it’s up to the viewer to interpret. An idea that can be formed is that the light in the center is the Earth. When illuminated it shows the life that exists in the cold vast darkness that is space. When seen from far away, the shine of humanity can be seen. As the first real application of the skills we learned in Digital Media, it was surprising how easy it became to create the artwork. Using the pen tool in Illustrator was a challenge in the beginning, but by the end working was a breeze. The practice of the pen tool has become useful outside of Digital Media. In Film, creating masks using the Bezier tool became much easier, not wasting as much time on each stroke.  

Illustration Project Choice

Artist Statement

Fractals are all around us in nature, from shells on the backs of snails to snowflakes falling from the sky. Now one can be seen on a mobile phone, an inanimate object. Such beauty doesn’t have to be limited to nature.This project was completely different from any work I had done in the past. Instead of using the classic tools provided in Illustrator, like the pen and ellipse tool, I created an application that would design fractals. It was a good application of the mathematics skills that I’ve learned and applying them to an art project, a field outside of STEM.


During the narrative unit in Film, we were tasked with the creation of a short narrative film, one which did not require the use of dialogue to tell the story. These films began as a pitch to the class, which over the course of three months evolved into a final product.

Griffith’s Pattern Scene

Before we began work on our narrative film, we first needed to learn the basics of story telling. By examining the works of D. W. Griffith and his contributions to the film language, we learned how to establish a scene and characters through different camera positions. We practiced this common technique through a quick class exercise.

Suspense Scene

The Suspense Scene was the second assignment we did leading up to the narrative film. By studying Alfred Hitchcock and his works, Psycho and Rear Window, we began to learn how to implement suspense. Through the use of crosscutting and symbolism, we were tasked with creating a short scene that held the audience in suspense.

Chase Scene

After completing the Griffith’s Pattern and Suspense scenes, the Chase Scene was assigned to us. By learning the skills of screen direction, continuity, and the 180° rule, in addition to the skills learned in the prior scenes, we created some chase scenes that could have used some work.

Narrative Project

Narrative Synopsis

After deciding on an idea for our film, we had to create a page long synopsis of the film. During these early stages of production many ideas were thrown around, yet not all of them made into the final cut. Below is the original synopsis, which almost immediately got changed.

Act 1
Liam is a lazy teenager. He is seen laying on his bed on his cheap pair of headphones surrounded by a messy room. His mom comes in to tell him to clean up and do his chores, but he ignores her. Instead, he goes out to hang out with his friend Kate. It is clear that Liam really likes Kate, but it’s not clear if she likes him back. They walk by a clothing shop and Kate points out a specific article of clothing through the window that she likes. Liam pays special attention to this and decides that he wants to buy them to impress her. The price tag of the clothing can be seen from the storefront, and Liam realizes that he doesn’t have enough money for them.

Act 2
Liam is at home checking his wallet for any extra money, but doesn’t find any. He draws up a flyer that has a lawn and and lawnmower on it. He goes door to door asking people if they would pay him to mow their lawn. The first few houses he goes up to all decline his offer. After two or three houses, he gets a streak of people saying yes. He now has a bunch of lawns he can mow which will lead him to getting more money. Liam is seen mowing multiple lawns and getting paid by those homeowners. After every few lawns that are mowed, he goes home to his bedroom to count up his money and show that time is passing and this takes place over the course of several days. Every time he is back in his room, the room becomes progressively cleaner and neater. He is always wearing his headphones while he works, and as time passes they can be seen getting more and more worn. The music he listens to slowly fades throughout the film to show this while the sound of the lawnmower gets louder. He is often mowing lawns that are in Kate’s neighborhood so she notices how hard he is working. She also notices that his headphones keep dropping and continue to be in worse condition. They can be seen waving at one another from across the street. After mowing a bunch of lawns, he has enough money to go get the clothes and returns to the store. He successfully buys the clothes but as soon as he exits the store they get ruined because he fell in a puddle. The clothes are clearly ruined and Liam is heartbroken.

Act 3
Liam is home again with the ruined clothes. He throws a tantrum in his room over the clothes, and in the process breaks his headphones. After his tantrum ends, he tries his best to fix up the clothes. It’s clear that the clothes have improved from his efforts, but they are still in bad condition. Kate knocks on his window and crawls into his room. Liam presents her with the clothes, and she really appreciates them. She also has a gift for him, which is a brand new pair of headphones. After they give each other the gifts they sneak back out the window and go for a walk. FIN.


Before we could begin the production stages of the narrative film, we had to create a storyboard. Each note card displays a different shot, helping us visualize the film.

Narrative Trailer

Narrative Film

Behind the Scenes