

An image from my animation

The Narrative unit was all about being able to tell a story in different ways. We got a chance to experiment with many different formats for our short stories. We first wrote stories in English, then turned them into both a screenplay and a graphic novel. In Design we used Storyboard Quick 6 to create a storyboard from our short stories, and we learned 3-point lighting to produce a character portrait depicting a character in one particular moment of the story. We created an animatic using the scans of our graphic novels in WebAudio, then used the animatic as a basis for our animation Our Narrative websites are also designed to incorporate images and themes from our short stories.

My Character Portrait


This project allowed us to develop skills related to storytelling through different mediums. We learned how to use Flash for animations, how to write a compelling and satisfying story arc and how to adapt it into a visually intriguing comic, and how to use props, lighting, and a background to create a desired mood in a portrait.

I loved this unit. I was moderately satisfied with my original story, and I was very excited to learn how to use Flash and to animate it. I think I’ve learned some incredibly valuable skills in every class from the whole unit. It’s been rewarding to see the results of all the effort that I put into each assignment, and I’m proud of the work I’ve done this unit.

Feel free to check out my work! You can see my animatic, animation, character portrait, and graphic novel as well as read my short story (or listen to me reading my short story) on the rest of my website.