Annaka Olson

photo of self

Welcome to my website! My name is Annaka Olson and I am a senior at Los Altos High School and Freestyle Academy. I have loved my time here so far. At Freestyle I have worked on many different projects that will be showcased here as I complete them.



screenshot of self-portrait website
On my Self-Portrait Website you can expect to find a myriad of completed projects all relating to the question "Who am I?". Among other projects, I have completed a diptych, an illustration, and an enhanced podcast. All of my classes at Freestyle had assignments that related to the question "Who am I?", and it was interesting to try and answer that question through a variety of different mediums. This has been a very fun and exciting project that also served as a great opportunity for personal growth. Through these projects I have also been able to gain a greater appreciation for the content I observe on the web everyday. Instead of taking websites and podcasts for granted, I now understand the tremendous amount of work that goes into them.
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screenshot of narrative website
For my Narrative Website I learned so much about storytelling. This project was great because I've always loved stories, but I've never been good at telling them. Through this project we learned how to tell interesting stories through many different types of media. I loved seeing one of my stories translated into several different art forms like photography, animation, and web design. All in all the project was highly enjoyable, and was a great opportunity for personal growth, and a fun way to develop my skills.
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screenshot of documentary website
I learned so much during the Documentary Unit! During this project I learned how to make an audio-slideshow, how to use InDesign, and improved my photography skills. I loved learning more about the local sewing store "The Makery" in this project. I learned so much about how to research a topic properly, and had a lot of fun in the process. This project helped me also become a better non-fiction writer due to the six page research paper we had to write! All in all, this project is one of my favorites, and I am so excited to share it with everyone.
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screenshot of experimental website
This has been one of my favorite projects! My entire project was based on the statement: "I am exploring the feeling of curiosity as a result of loss". This project was challenging, but ultimately was very rewarding.I learned more new skills in Reason, learned new Photoshop techniques, and learned about fine art. I took a lot of risks with this project, especially in my animation. Instead of traditionally animating my poem, I chose to combine photographs and moving elements in order to illustrate the poem. I also took risks in other areas of the site.
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My profile project was a challenging, incredible experience! I loved getting to know my profile subject, Matt Hires, better. I also loved learning how to shoot in camera RAW in design. In English class I also had a lot of fun writing my magazine article. Learning how to use Adobe After Effects was difficult, but in the end, I am so greatful for the oppertunity to learn more about such a useful program. This project has been such a great learning oppertunity, and has also been a ton of fun.
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Music Video
The music video project was one of the hardest projects I have completed here at Freestyle! I loved learning more about Pro Tools, Reason and how to work the mics in the studio. However learning all of these new skills and programs was a struggle, though I benefited greatly from the challenge. I also learned a lot about working with a group, and it was fantastic to be able to work with such talented group members. I learned a lot from them.
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Narrative 2
For this project we were asked to write 3 short stories in English, and then create an animation based off of one of those stories. In Design we created a book jacket for that short story, and in Web we created an animation and animatic.This website also showcases my Surrealist work. In English class we meditated and then wrote three quickwrites. In Design I created a surrealist art piece, as well as several art pieces based on quickwrites we did in English.
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screenshot of my portfolio website
Portfolio Showcase
For this project we were asked to create a website to showcase three of our favoirte projects completed over the past two years. Two of the projects were Freestyle projects and the final project was an optional personal project. My topic of focus was photography. It was an incredible experience to reflect on how I'd grown as both an artist and as an individual during my time here at Freestyle Academy.
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