In Adobe Illustrator, you can draw things with special tools. The illustration is based on a short story that we wrote in Design Class. IN the illustration, the scarecrow represents knowledge that one has, and knowledge that governments and other high officials want. The crows on the wire and the crows flying around represent the fact that one is always being watched - an inescapable reality - which is why i chose to use a scarecrow. The birds want to gain the knowledge that they feel could be threatening, or illegal.



*ring ring*. Calculator being punched in. Paranoia.Clock ticking. Pencil writing. *ring ring*.Pacing,waiting, watching, listening. Calculator punching. The calculator has stopped. Everything has gone quiet. His paranoia has ended and hes dozing of to his deep sleep. Suddenly doors slamming, foot steps pitter-pattering, SMASH! DEA!


