

“How can I use unconventional forms to express myself?”
To present their ideas through a distinctive personal aesthetic, students are challenged by creative risk-taking through poetry, music, painting, animations, experimental video, and web development. By being familiar with softwares and hardware, including DSLR cameras, Tascam audio recorders, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Animate, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Audition, Avid Pro Tools, WordPress, and Google Apps, students develop communication skills.

Being an English and Digital Media student in Freestyle, I value the way in watch we learn. In English, our teacher is much more involved with our work and discussions, our class as a whole is always participant and fun. Digital Media so far has taught us how to use lots of hardware and software, and I value the non-traditional way of learning.

Photo Haiku

In this project, I value being able to learn and use keyframes in Premiere Pro. They have been significantly useful ever since.

Free Verse Poetry

Our Poetry assignment was assigned in English, and after we created our poem we made a video of it in Digital Media. The assignment was to create a Free Verse Poem. In Digital Media, our assignment was to make a video that has our voice reading the poem, along with an image and soundtrack to go with it.

Waves by Ayan Chhatrala
Click on image to see poem

Listen to my Free Verse Poem Intention Statement

“Waves” is a free verse poem about music and the dark nostalgia that comes with it. The speaker in this poem is actually myself, and I often rely on music to help me get through difficult times as well as relax. But I have come to realize some music may do the opposite. In the first stanza, I use an end-stop to represent the strong feelings towards music, and how I still feel the same way. Since it is a short line, the period shows how much it means. I also make it clear that I rely heavily on music to keep me going. In the next stanza, immediately the mood changes from reliability to stress. My attitude towards music shifts from reassurance and almost happiness to tension and anxiousness. I (try) and use imagery to create a feeling and picture in your head of what the feeling would look like. The way the tone changes is an example of how relying on one thing to keep you going and get you through hard times shouldn’t always be the way to go. The pattern of lineation  shows the most important words and meanings, especially the darker ones. I was inspired by more dark poetry writings, ones that people can really relate to at moments. I tried to emulate it by adding questions and small lines. In order to improve this poem, I adjusted the lineation, wording and tone by splitting it up into 2 stanzas as well as  taking the words that can really be absorbed and adding them into smaller lines. I did this all to develop a poem with a clear meaning and tone, as well as trying to create imagery. I want to make the reader feel the nostalgia and be able to picture what that feeling can look like as an image. In short, I would like my reader to come away with the feeling that putting reassurance into a single thing, thinking it will solve your problems will only hurt you at times.

I valued being able to express and convey feelings digitally as well as through words. The making of the poem made me realize how I could show these feelings. Finding an image was probably the most challenging part besides the actual making of the poem. The audio was peaceful, like nostalgia.

Screenshot of Pro Tools session of making the poem
Pro Tools Session of the poetry
Screenshot of the photoshop session of the poem
Photoshop Session of the Poem

Photoshop Blend Mode Editing

These assignments taught us how to blend photos and colors within each other. It taught us how to use multiply, overlay, screen modes etc.

What are your thoughts about using Photoshop Blend Modes?
I think its super useful when editing photos. I have already used it on my own.

What did you value about learning Photoshop Blend Modes?
I value the possibility to add colors with the brush stokes because it can change the feel of the photo.

Caption for Pic10