
This page is for my photonarrative diptych. In my Design class I was assigned to take two pictures that narrated a story from two topic types. We then had to put together and edit the two images.


Stressfull Options

Stressful Options


For my photonarrative diptych assignment I chose to tell a story about being forced to choose between too many options and the stress that it can put on you. My first picture represents the overwhelming options that are presented, and my second picture represents the stress of being forced to choose between these options. This was a topic that I could relate to and seems to happen a lot in people today.


I really enjoyed doing this assignment because I can very closely relate to it. It’s not easy to have to choose between two very important things, and even harder to decide on one option from many. It was a fun experience to go out and take these pictures and then see them come together as a story. I hope you like it!


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