Narrative for Digital Media:

(Music Score)

I was recently given the opportunity to produce some music scores for Digital Media. Below is the music score I produced in reason:

(JQurey File)

During my time in digital Media, I learned some coding with Jqurey. This a valuable to skill to learn as it because there  are many jobs that require it in the modern day.

Multi-Layer Project

The Multi-Layer Project was based off of real life sculptures of wooden multi-layered projects. My partner and I worked together to create our own tropical version of the project. I used Illustrator to produce the project along with using images off Duck-Duck go to formulate our own 6 layered project. When put together it creates a image of a tropical island. Our layers included a drink, wave, palm tree, fern, volcano and a flower. In this project, I valued the grind of having to constantly work and keeping me in focus when it mattered the most. In the future I hope to apply what I have learned and put it to a good cause.


Here are some following screenshots of my Illustrator file during the production process.