Cayley Ho
Photo of me, Cayley Ho.

Hello and welcome to my projects page! On this website you can see the links and short previews to all of the websites I have created over my two years at Freestyle.

I have learned so much during my time here at Freestyle and I am super excited to show all of you what I can do! From Photoshop, to Illustrator, to Dreamweaver, to Flash, I have used so many programs to accomplish so many things that I am proud of.

As you move through my project websites, you will be able to see the progression of my English, design, and website production skills. Thanks for visiting and hope you enjoy!

Self-Portrait Website

My Self-Portrait website is all about me! During the making of this website I explored who I was and what I wanted to say to the world.

This was my first project at Freestyle and the first website I have ever made. I wasn't too sure who I was and what I wanted to do but this unit really pushed me to think deeply about myself.

Preview of my self-portrait website
Narrative Website

My Narrative website features a story I worte that I later conveyed through different media.

Freestyle is all about visual communication and this project exemplified that. I transformed my story in English to a character portrait in Design and an animation in WebAudio while learning about lighting techniques and Flash.

Preview of my narrative website.
Documentary Website

My documentary website features an organization called My New Red Shoes.

This unit was one of my favorite units we have done so far at Freestyle. I enjoyed how involved all of my classes were in this project and I really got to develop my skills in a multitude of areas. I was even able to receive a physical copy of my book!

Preview of my documentary website.
Previw of my experimental website.
Experimental Website

My Experimental website is a little bit abtract--which is somewhat expected for this unit.

I struggled with this unit for a while. I wasn't exactly a fan of poetry or too appreciative of conceptual art. However, this unit definitely taught me how much work actually goes into something that may seem effortless.

Profile Website

My profile website features James Gibbs, his contributions to the community, and the work I did on this project.

This unit was somewhat similar to the Documentary unit. However, this time, my subject was a person rather than a location.

Music Video Website

My music video site features the music video my group, Andie, Binh, and I, created as Limerence.

During this unit, I had a lot of fun collaborating with my group to make our music video and also gained a great deal of experience in music production

Narrative II Website

My Narrative II website features the writing, artwork, and animation based around a dialogue-driven short story.

During this unit, we also experimented with surrealism and automatic thinking. I have also included the work I did during these two additional sub-units: Surrealism and Blink.

Portfolio Website

My Portfolio website features the progress I have made through my past two years at Freestyle Academy.

I have learned so much, developed technically and creatively, and I am ready to use the skills I have learned at Freestyle in my life after high school.