

For the conceptual project we were asked to use unconventional forms to express ourselves. for my project I was meant to show the feeling of euphoria while on the beach. I chose to shoot a Sunbum tanning lotion to symbolize the beach and a trophy with gold confetti to symbolize euphoria. somethings I like about being a freestyle student is being creative with my peers and getting to know my grade better since we have smaller classes. I love english because I can understand it better and analyzing artworks ,short stories and even creating our own stories.


Why Art?Essay

For my Why Art Essay I talked about the article “Art Is A Different Kind Of Cosmic Order” By: Brian Greene. For my artist I chose to connect Pablo Picasso to the article By: Brian Greene. In the article Greene talks about how patterns can reveal deeper truths in art and so I focused on Pablo Picasso’s cubism period,since cubism shows pattern.