

Welcome to my Profile Website! On this website you will learn all about my Profile Star, Jared Darby. You will learn about him through a few of my productions that include my profile commercial, my profile magazine, my gallery of profile images, and bios about the people I interviewed for this project. Please scroll through or use the buttons to navigate through my website and to learn a bit about my Profile Star, Jared Darby. Please, enjoy!

Below is my commercial. In my commercial you will hear a story of how Darby helped one of his previous students. It is an amazing story and he is an amazing person. Please watch and enjoy!




Below is an image of the interface I would look at while creating my profile in Adobe After Effects. In this image you can see a few of the tools necessary to animate my commercial.


Magazine Thumbnail

This project began in English where we explored writing profiles. We started researching a topic that was related to our Star Interviewee, and also we found a non-fiction book to help add to our sources. We were assigned the task of interviewing three people, and then using this information to help build our papers. With all that research and information we were able to complete the article.

We took our article and brought it into Design, designing a magazine article to plug our papers into. We reviewed and even learned a few new skills in InDesign, the program we used to design our books last year. We also talked about typography and learned the many aspects of it. Although I did have some troubles with this project, and a time crunch, I feel that in the end I was happy with my final product. Click on the image to the left to view my magazine. Please, enjoy!




Below you will see the InDesign interface. InDesign is the program I used to create my profile magazine. You can see the swatches on the left which I used to pick colors for different part of my magazine.


Below, you can see my gallery. Here you will find a few of my favorite pictures that I took for this project. They will give you a bit of insight on the type of person Jared Darby is. Please enjoy!



  • Darby at work
  • Showing off the Positivity Board
  • Movember Stache
  • No Excuses
  • Smiling
  • Students
  • Iwata Trip Merch
  • Cool Socks Award
  • Darbzilla
  • Athlete Student
  • Getting Excited
  • Teaching in Action
  • Quotes
  • T-REX
  • Positivity Board
Darby at work1 Showing off the Positivity Board2 Movember Stache3 No Excuses4 Smiling5 Students6 Iwata Trip Merch7 Cool Socks Award8 Darbzilla9 Athlete Student10 Getting Excited11 Teaching in Action12 Quotes13 T-REX14 ASB FLAG15 Positivity Board16





In this section of my website there are the bios of the three people that I interviewed for this project. This includes the interview audios of all three. If you hover over the plus sign you can find more information about them. This information includes why I chose them to be interviewed, and a little about them. Please enjoy!


Marcey Winawer

Jared Darby

Star Interviewee

Jared Darby was the star interviewee for my Profile Project. There are many reasons why I chose him over anyone else. He is a math teacher at Mountain View High School. He was one of my favorite teachers I had ever had. During the time that I was in his class, I learned that he is an amazing human being. I also learned that he does many extraordinary things every week.

Marcey Winawer

Marcey Winawer

Secondary Interviewee

Marcey Winawer was the secondary interviewee for my Profile Project. There are many reasons why I chose her over anyone else. She is also a math teacher at MVHS. She has known Darby since he started working at Mountain View High School. She was able to provide a different angle on Darby. She has watched him grow as a teacher and as a person.


Marcey Winawer

Sumukh Vaze

Tertiary Interviewee

Sumukh Vaze was the tertiary interviewee for my Profile Project. There are many reasons why I chose him over anyone else. He had recently moved from India and was a very shy person due to not speaking english very well. He would hang out in Darby's classroom after school. Darby helped him learn to overcome his shyness and make new friends. This allowed him to provide an awesome story about Darby.