
This is Carl Haley. He is the Senior Content Manager at a non profit organization called CK-12. At Ck-12 Mr. Haley and his team work to fill their website and custom textbooks called Flexbooks with the newest and best information to teach math and science concepts. Ck-12 is an organization that provides online resources along with flexbooks to people across the world in order to give people more personalized learning. Carl is a vital part of Ck-12 and what he and his coworkers are working to do at Ck-12 is truly inspirational. In this Profile project, I interviewed Carl, his co-workers and even one of his students from when he was still a classroom teacher so I could create a magazine article, website, commercial, and presentation about his life and so I could describe why he is important to the community. To see more details from the project, you can scroll down or use the buttons on the top to jump to different sections.

Introduction and Commercial


Magazine Thumbnail In English and Design, I was asked to create a magazine article about my Profile. I researched related issues and wrote the text of the article in English, using interviews to enhance the writing with direct quotes. In design, I created the layout for the article. For the magazine article we were told to design the magazine around who our stars were and what their personalites were. I wanted to make sure my work was professional but not boring, just like Mr. Haley.

Work Station
Carl's Desk
Main Work Area
Main Work Area 2
Main Work Area 3
Wall of Content
Conference Room 1
Conference Room 2

3 Bios Here with photo and interview audio