This is my Narrative 2 website. For our project, we had to write 3 short stories in English, and use of the three stories to create an animation in WebAudio. For Design, we designed a book jacket for out short story project! The short story I chose to turn into my animatic, called Dreams, delves into the mind of a teenage boy that has decided to retract from society and instead hide in the world of his dreams. He is an avid lucid dreamer, and uses it as his escape from the outside world. Lucid dreaming is a form of dreaming in which the dreamer is in full control of the dream, and aware of the fact that they are in the dream. This gives them a lot of control and ability to try and do things they never thought were possible, which is what makes it so appealing as a haven to cut off the world. However, every once in a while, he is jolted back to reality by his daily needs and obligations, like going to school and the such. His brother seems to be a lot more in tune with the real world, unlike him who has cut off all semblance of real and fake. For a while he begins breaking out of his shell and coming into the real world, until a sudden event causes him to hide back in his malleable world of lucid dreaming. My Surrealist work will also be showcased. We meditated and wrote three quickwrites for English class, and in Design created a surrealist art piece, based on the quickwrites we wrote in English.
This is my animatic, which was made from my rough draft of my animation. After writing a short story in English class, I drew it out in comic form. Then I scanned the pages and uploaded them into our animation creation program, known as After Effects. This allowed me to animate the images and add sounds effects.

This is my animation, which was based on the animatic I had created. I pivoted quite a bit away from my original animatic, but i reained the most crucial parts that were vital to my story. Adobe After Effects allowed me to animatte more smoothly, and surprisingly render more efficiently and much quicker.


These are my art pieces for the Book Jacket and Surrealism projects! I made my Book Jacket using both Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, but only used Photoshop for my Surrealism piece.

This is my Book Jacket for Design. There are several themes that relate this to my story. The colors that create a human face, represent the jumbled mind of my main character, who is stuck in a personal fantasy world. He is lost and delusional. I decided to take a more humorous route in creating my Book Cover, which is why my descriptions have more of a personal touch to them.

This is my Surrealist Artwork I made with Adobe Photoshop, and HDR photography. My piece shows a car that is driving off in the distance on a floor made of glass. The sjn has been replaced with a bright orange flower as the miniature truck tries to drive away from this crazy illogical world, much like the one we live in.

I decided to use mainly shaes of grays as well as a bright orange to really bring focus to the absurdity of the bright flower that is the sun. Also, I made the focus skewed in some places more than others, and had to blur certain places to retain the realism that keeps the photo in our minds and at our attention.


English Columns

In English, we had to rewrite the same story 3 times, using different points of perspectives. Each perspective sheds light on a new viewpoint or way to look at a certain idea or theme in the story.

3rd person

He opened his eyes. Light gushed through his eyelids, illuminating the world around him. But the world was still swirling around him, unsure of what was the earth and the sky. Closing his eyes again, he muttered “stabilize”, in a short but commanding tone. Like a knot undoing itself, everything shifted and realigned itself perfectly. Yet still there was something off about it, maybe a bit too hazy, regardless, it was obscuring the view. This time he decided to focus and suddenly the world was much more vivid and detailed. Tracing his fingers gently across a wooden table that had materialized before him, he felt the rough edge, the splinters that stuck and pulled against his skin, and ascertained it was his new reality. Calmly strolling through the green meadow, other than the table he had materialized, there was nothing in sight. Miles and miles of tall wild grass, he stopped walking and closed his eyes. With an intense but almost serene command within his mind, he reopened his eyes to discover a door before him. Just a door, no walls, no building, nothing but a door and miles of grass. He took the door knob, and with a gentle turn, pushed it open to a dark yet familiar surrounding. Walking through the portal, the air changed, cool, crisp and characterized by a gentle breeze, he looked down and realized his clothing had changed too. A dark green parka now hugged his body,as he walked through the lonely streets of a medieval village. Faintly but surely, he could hear traces of the nocturnal celebration that took place at the nearby pub, shrieks and yelps of happiness, and the off-key strum of a country bard. Out of nowhere, his surroundings began to darken and fade away, he was falling, through the ground, all he could see was black, other than the little speck of the world he was recently within high above and out of reach. “WAKE UP!” he heard as both his eyes and ears peeled open. His brother was yelling at him to get to school, he’d slept through all four alarms, and they were going to be late. It didn’t really matter if he even went to school at all. School wasn’t a great place to sleep, so he didn’t really care that much. Pulling out something that didn’t smell too bad from his closet, he dressed himself and got ready for the day.

1st person

I opened my eyes. Light gushed through my eyelids, illuminating the world around me. But the world was still swirling around me, unsure of what was the earth and the sky. Closing my eyes again, I muttered “stabilize”, in a short but commanding tone. Like a knot undoing itself, everything shifted and realigned itself perfectly. Yet still there was something off about it, maybe a bit too hazy, regardless, it was obscuring the view. This time I decided to focus and suddenly the world was much more vivid and detailed. Tracing my fingers gently across a wooden table that had materialized before me, I felt the rough edge, the splinters that stuck and pulled against my skin, and ascertained it was my new reality. Out of nowhere, my surroundings began to darken and fade away, I was falling, through the ground, all he could see was black, other than the little speck of the world he was recently within high above and out of reach. “WAKE UP” I heard as both my eyes and ears peeled open. My brother was yelling at me to get to school, I’d slept through all four alarms, and we were going to be late. It didn’t really matter though, we were always late, if I even decided to go to school at all. School wasn’t a great place to sleep, so I didn’t really care that much. Pulling out something that didn’t smell that bad from my closet, I dressed myself and got ready for the day.

1st person

As the shutters of my soul opened up. illuminance gushed through my eyelids, illuminating the planet around me. however the planet was still whirling around me, unsure of what was the world and also the sky. Closing my eyes once more, I muttered “stabilize”, in an exceedingly short however commanding tone. sort of a knot undoing itself, everything shifted and realigned itself absolutely. nevertheless still there was one thing off regarding it, perhaps somewhat too hazy, regardless, it had been obscuring the read. now i made a decision to focus and suddenly the planet was way more vivid and careful. Tracing my fingers gently across a wood table that had materialized before me, I felt the rough edge, the splinters that stuck and force against my skin, and discovered it had been my new reality. Out of obscurity, my surroundings began to darken and fade out, i used to be falling, through the bottom, all he may see was black, apart from the small speck of the planet he was recently at intervals high higher than and out of reach. “WAKE UP” I detected as each my eyes and ears raw open. My brother was yelling at me head to highschool, I’d slept through all four alarms, and that we were reaching to be late. It didn’t very matter although, we have a tendency to were invariably late, if I even determined to travel to high school the least bit. College wasn’t a good place to sleep, thus I didn’t very care that abundant. withdrawal method one thing that didn’t smell that dangerous from my closet, I dressed myself and got prepared for the day.


This is my Blink Media Art Piece, where we combined the three Blink projects we did. We first made Zen doodles using sharpies and glossy paper, then made word art containing Zen doodles. Then we made Madalas on shrinky-dink paper and got to turn them into little souvenirs. As a final step, we had to combine all of our images into one piece which we turned in for our final project in Design.