

Haiku Video

Behind the Scenes:

The speaking audio for the video was recorded, before I uploaded it to Premiere Pro, along with background music that I thought would fit the video. For actual video, I used a variety of techniques to animate the text, making it more interesting. This included fading the text in and out, and making the words move from out of the screen into it. I also made the photo shift around to add more to the video.

WHy Art

Intro: For the Why Art Essay, I had to pick an article to read that talked about the importance of art. After that, I found an artist whose art backed up the article’s statement. We also had to pick three pieces of art done by the artist and describe them in detail.

Photoshop blend mode editing

Intro: For this assignment, I learned how to use photoshop to edit various photos. This included blending photos together, lightening, darkening, and adding light and shadows to them. The following photos are ones I took and edited however I saw fit.

1. What I really value about photoshop blend mode is how much it can change a picture to make it better with just one small action. Without it, you would be adjusting the camera settings relentlessly to get the same photo in significantly more time.

2. What I can definitely see myself doing in the future is blending a photo of a bland object with one that has a cool pattern or design on it, but not really any shape, so that it spicens up the object.

Design Projects

In Design, we are learning to use various apps like Photoshop and Illustrator to draw, and edit photos. Also, we were taught things like linear perspective, principles of art and design, and color theory to further our understanding of art.

Black and White Photo

In the black and white name project, we had to take multiple pictures with our cameras which end up spelling our names. Then we learned how to use Photoshop to edit the photos and make them look better.

The photo above is something called a contact sheet which is essentially a compilation of all the possible photos I could use. I picked my very favorites.


In the Conceptual project, I was given the prompt of dread through competition. I had to make a composition that showed both these things. in the image I took, the glass of Coke represents dread as it is a dark murky liquid threatening to spill over the top. Competition is shown through the multiple crumpled up and erased drawings as competition at its core urges you to want to do better and hone your talents.

This is my contact sheet for the conceptual project. I arranged the various subjects in different ways and took photos at different angles with different lighting. I put my favorite one in Photoshop and slightly changed the lighting.