
Image from my graphic novel
Graphic novel
We began the Narrative Unit in English by creating a short story. This short story had to be told without words. We started by brainstorming, because it is harder than it seems to tell a story without words. We did a lot of character development activities to figure out who are charcter is. Do they have any siblings? What are they afraid of? Absolutely everything there is to know about them. Eventually after a lot of brainstorming and planning we took this stories and made them into graphic novels. We had to draw out each panel based on the story idea we had come up with. This graphic novel was then scanned so we could make our animatics in WebAudio. We made our animatics in Toon Boom Studio, a new application we are learning how to use. In Design we planned for our Character Portrait, a picture of our character. We are also illustrating one panel of our graphic novel in Illustrator in Design.

Image from Toon Boom Studios
Toon Boom Studio

I learned a lot about story telling through the Narrative Unit. I learned that there are many ways to tell a story, for example you can tell a stroy in one picture. I also learned that you can tell a stroy without words. In the Narrative Unit we learned how to use Toon Boom Studio. We used Toon Boom to make our animatics and animations. I also continued to improve my Illustrator and Photoshop skills.