

For the Conceptual Project, Juniors develop their abstract thinking and communication skills to answer the question,

“How can I use unconventional forms to express myself?”
The Conceptual Project challenges students to express their thoughts through unconventional means, including poetry, art, and experimental films. We began to develop our technical skills with Audio Recorders, as well as apps such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Audition, and more.

I value being a Freestyle student because of the many skills I am learning thanks to it. I am gaining skills in photography, editing, even web design. The Freestyle community is also great. I am making new friends I never would have met otherwise, and the teachers are great too.


Introduce the Haiku project – explain what you researched and did for the project

Write a short reflection about what you valued in the Haiku Project

Why Art?

Photoshop Blend MODE

Experimental film