Welcome to my profile website! The person I chose to interview is someone who I am close to, my godfather, Uncle Al, who also goes by Al Schrowerer. My godfather is the type of guy who goes out of his way to please everyone with his generosity. As a person who grew up extremely poor when times weren't great, he understands exactly what it's like to be in someone who is less unfortunate's shoes. When his uncle died, he and his brother were left with a large inheritance each, and to this day, my godfather has made sure to spend his money wisely as well as spend it on people other than himself.

Al Schrowerer is a retired man who lives in Redwood City and volunteers his time at various organizations, which include, the local homeless shelter, the Santa Clara County Sheriff's department in communications, and his church, just to name a few. He hosts various dinners throughout the year, and invites people weekly to his homemade bar in his house. This website will hopefully truthfully depict who he is. My uncle is a man who likes simplicity, so I tried making the website as minimalist as possible. Since he volunteers at the Santa Clara County Sheriff's department, I wanted to incorporate that kind of feel with the background, so I went with a subtle brick pattern. The color choices were inspired by his 1932 firetruck that he had restored, and has been a big part of his life.


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Official Profile Portrait. A reflection of my godfather.
My godfather, Uncle Al, doing one of his many volunteer jobs. Here he is working with his radios for the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department.
My godmother, Aunt Shirley. She provided more background information on what my godfather does.
Some of the many radios my godfather owns.
Remains of a huge dinner with family and friends, which my godfather is famous for.
Uncle Al's 1936 working fire truck and his old uniform.
Hallmark asked him if they could model his fire truck into an ornament. He said yes.
My godfather likes radios so much, he has a mini museum set up in his garage.
As Catholics, this represents so much about our beliefs, and I'm grateful for a godfather who has been such a positive influence on me with wanting to help various nonprofit organizations.
Helmet and attached phone in his fire truck.
My godfather's mini 'casino' with working slot machines.
Godfather's uniform for Santa Clara County Sheriff's department
Mr. Will, a friend of Al's who I interviewed. They are very close friends who share a lot of interests together.
His badge.
Historical Vehicle.
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Godfather's bookshelf with some of his history books.
Tabletop vintage videogames.
He also enjoys trains, especially historic ones.

This presentation was made with the application After Effects. After Effects is a program that we used to create this video. All we put into it was music, audio, and photos. The rest was added and put together with After Effects. I learned how to import photos, create animations, make creative titles, and add audio/music to this program. What was so interesting about this process was really trying to master the scenes, as After Effects is difficult to navigate.