About Me








Welcome to my Freestyle Website!

My name is Ethan K. Clark. I am a student at Los Altos highschool and Freestyle Academy. If you look around my Website you will find everything I’ve done at freestyle along with some of my own passion projects. So please by all means take a look around!

Heres some more Info About Me…

I am 17 and moved from Southern California to Northern California sophomore year. Coming from Southern California, I always had a love of Hollywood and fascination with the Art and Power of Film. When I moved and heard about Freestyle the choice was clear. I choose to specialize in film and have never looked back. We have done many projects in film so far, but the one I am most proud of and had the most fun working on was my junior documentary; A Nation Divided – A Big Documentary and a Little Story


The documentary was part of our documentary unit where all of our Freestyle classes (English,Film Digital Media) were focused on getting used to create a provocative interesting documentary. The final product was “A Nation Divided – A Big Documentary and a Little Story”. It took several months to create and the initial planning stages or what’s called Pre-Production in Film. After lots of debating on what idea path to go for it was decided that we would do a political documentary. A documentary  focused on an often overshadowed part of American society. This topic was especially fun and meaningful for me because politics and philosophy are two things I could talk about forever. After Pre-production came Production where actually shot the footage for the documentary. After days of shooting came Post-Production or Editing.  (In my opinion the most important part of filmmaking) Finally, after all the work the Documentary was done! You can watch it by heading to my Documentary page or clicking on the link above. I enjoyed this project the most because it was the most liberating project as it allowed us to go into controversial topics and think deeply about what we were creating. 


Outside of school I am a pretty extroverted person. I enjoy being with my friends and try to do so whenever possible. I also in my freetime pursue my passions extensively. My passions include a voracious love of history, a fascination of geopolitics and American politics, and writing poetry short stories and learning about new things. I am a big dreamer and visualize and think of huge ideas but I have always struggled to express them. One of the things I love about Freestyle is that it gives you the tools to express yourself while teaching you how to do it. I try to embrace the knowledge and resources given to me as much as possible and freestyle’s teachings on all of these digital tools are helping me in outside adventures like my youtube channel and youth and government. For this I am very grateful to have been given the opportunity to learn at Freestyle Academy of the Digital Arts.