Cliff Anderson's Home

Narrative Home

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This website is based on the narrative unit that I have been working on over the past few months. During this unit I focused on creating a story with a main character that had memorable and unique qualities. This stemmed from English, where I wrote flash fictions and short stories to get my creative juices flowing. Eventually I picked one of the stories I had created and decided that I would base the rest of my schoolwork around it. From that point I took the huge step of creating a visual for my character by depicting him in my character portrait through Design class. This gave my character a real physical model that I could base my animation in Web Audio off of. However, before I could do that I had to create an animatic to roughly show the flow of my story that would become the animation. After that was complete all that was left was to build the website and the animation to go along with it. Those two items were quite the undertaking, both time and energy wise, but I am very happy with the results of my efforts.

On the other pages of this site you will be able to see all of the pieces of work I mentioned above. Throughout the progression of each of my works on this narrative project I learned a few very important things. First, time is of the essence. Being stuck in a time crunch is terribly stressful, so its best to avoid that at all costs. Second, perfection isn’t always perfect. just because something didn’t come out as envisioned doesn’t mean it isn’t high quality and worthy of the effort it took to make it. Lastly, I learned that all fiction stems from reality, even if its only very loosely connected. Most of all though, this unit has continued to expand my abilities and efficiency in the odd combination of writing, design, and web production.