Career Query Podcast

About this Podcast

Career Query presents a podcast about the correlation between careers and happiness. We interview several people about their job paths and current careers and their satisfaction with it. 

About Us

We are two high school students with an interest in college and jobs. We are just about to graduate and move on further in our careers. Evelyn has an interest in computer science and plans to study on the east coast. Owen loves learning about environmental science and hopes to pursue a major in it. 


We are doing a podcast project in order to learn more about careers and satisfaction. We learned a lot about what makes people happy or unhappy in the workforce. The goals of the project were to see if there was a trick that was common among adults on how to find a job that brings happiness.  Podcasting brings a unique view to this theme because you can hear the tones of people talking, and actually experience parts of the interviews rather than just reading quotes like in other mediums.  This worked towards our goal of the project also being interesting to listen to and not be monotonous with the same voices throughout.

Behind the Scenes

A video of us in the recording studio.
This is the interface of our Pro Tools Session while editing our podcast.


We valued taking new risks in using humor in our podcast, as well as interviewing adults for this project. We valued being able to learn how to professionally record in a studio, as well as practicing my pro tools skills to edit our podcast.

Thanks for listening!