Photoshop Blending Modes photos

Photoshop Blending Modes photos

Blending modes in digital image editing and computer graphics are used to blend or combine two layers into each other to form a more complex final photo. We used our Photoshop skills and photography from the conceptual unit to create new blend modes photos which we then juxtaposed with the original photos. Finally, we wrote our editing process for the new blended photo.

behind the scenes of Photoshop

a screenshot of the behind the scenes work of creating the Blend Modes photos in Photoshop

Learning how to use Photoshop was one of the things that I was most excited about when we began Digital Media because I think it’s a very useful tool to know how to use since there is so much you can do with it. Photoshop gives people the ability to completely transform a photo to what they envision that it should look like or to make small changes and corrections to a photo. However big or small of a change, it is up to the creator to decide and do as they desire; that is what I think is incredible about Photoshop. Combining our Photoshop skills with the photos that we took with our Freestyle DSLR cameras was great because it allowed the possibilities to be endless. When practicing it was alright using images that we found online and downloaded but making these blend modes photos with our own original pictures was special because it allowed for the final product to be utterly and completely ours. I treasure the Photoshop work that we have done in Digital Media so far and am excited to continue exercising my Photoshop skills in the future as we continue to make more album art.