"Golden Gates"
  1. Include a paragraph or two or more about the focus of this Narrative Unit. What's the purpose of this project? What was required to complete in each of your classes and why? Describe what the viewer will see on the other pages as a teaser. Reflect on your learning experience from this Narrative Project.
  2. Include some graphics, perhaps application icons, perhaps from your Flash, Illustrator Rising Action Sequence, animatic, animation, to make the page more visually interesting.
  3. Add your original background music to your page with these instructions.
  4. Insert an image of your Paper Prototype design of your website and explain what it is and how it is used in the process of making your website. You could also include a screenshot of your Dreamweaver interface.


Requirements for this page are posted on #3 on https://www.freestyleacademy.rocks/WebAudio/p2-narrative/