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I wrote this story in my english class at the beginning of the semester. It a about a girl and a man with very firm beliefs. The girl, Victoria, believes in peace and not violence. The man is just the opposite, he believes war is always the answer. Victoria has never let someone get under her skin but this guy definitely did. She is forced to decide whether to stick to her beliefs or act out. I think this is a relatable story in that we all share different opinions but we must come come together and compromise.


Victoria Stevens is having a normal Saturday afternoon at the anti-war rally that occurs every week in downtown San Francisco. It is a cloudy day downtown as their tie-dye shirts stand bright against the drab day. Victoria is your everyday, nice girl. She is always helpful and caring to others and loves animals. She is a vegetarian because she can’t imagine eating animals and is a lover not a fighter. Victoria doesn’t see the point in violence and feels anything can be resolved through open discussion and compromise. This is all about to change.
“I really find it funny (and honestly down right ignorant) that people in our country hold onto the idea that we must fight for our freedom. This is the most ridiculous belief I have ever heard!” Victoria said, holding nothing back. Victoria’s long blonde hair is blowing in the wind and her tie-dye, multi-colored shirt and her big peace sign belt stand out as she holds up a “Stop the Violence” sign.
“This is such a good deed we are doing, and we are saving so many lives. I can’t believe the number of people who think we should send in more troops to the war in Afghanistan.” Heather said, a tall, gawky girl who is helping Victoria in the rally.
“They just don’t understand, but we’ll make them see they’re wrong.” Cars speed really fast past the women as they carry their signs with pride.
A dark haired guy, looking like he’s in his thirties yells out his window, “Go home! You aren’t helping anyone.” Victoria’s eyes glaze over to look at the man but she choices to look the other way and ignore the comment. Now the man pulls over and steps out of his beat up black, ford truck.
“Oh boy, we have another guy who just can’t keep his opinions to himself. Don’t worry I got this.” Victoria said with such assurance and strength. “Excuse me sir, do you have a problem?”
“Yes, as a matter of a fact I do. You people parade around here like you can change the world and that nothing bad will ever happen, but that is not true.”
“Okay sir you need to calm down and let us move on with our rally.”
“No I will not. You people need to get it out of your brains that fighting is the wrong answer. In fact, it is! Our enemies in the war deserve to die. They can hurt us, and therefore we need to get them first.” Victoria begins to eye this man head to toe and thinks to herself, what is his problem and why doesn’t he understand that death is senseless?
“I am not going to fight with you. You can have your opinions, and we will have ours. Now please back away.”
“You know its people like you that are corrupting this world! I just want to shake you and make you wake up. There are bad people in this world, and it’s our responsibility to protect our country and get rid of them. Sometimes force is the only solution.” He starts to get mad and his face begins to look like a ripe tomato as his paces around the women. He circles them like an eagle about to pounce on his prey.
“Are you threatening me?!? I want you to leave now. I am not putting up with this any longer!”
“What are you going to do, punch me?”
“I will not stoop down to your level.”
“My level? I am way higher than you, you peace loving hippie!” Victoria begins to walk away to try and end this awful argument, but the man grabs her by the arm.
“What do you think you’re doing? Let go of me right now!” His grip is tight and Victoria tries to wiggle out but she can’t break free.
“Not unless you put down your signs.”
“You are causing a scene, and I will call the police if you don’t let go!”
“If that is what it takes, then bring it on!” Victoria’s eyes widen and she looks like she is about to snap. She has steam coming out of her ears, and coils like a snake ready to attack. Victoria leaps on top of man and grabs him by the neck. She grabs a full hand of hair while her legs wrap around him so tightly that he can’t breathe. Victoria has a scary, possessed look on her face as the man is now gasping for air.
“See, look what you are doing!” the man said barely able to get his words out.
“I can’t take it anymore. You don’t respect me or my feelings at all. You deserve a lesson!” Just as those words rolled out of Victoria’s mouth, the police pulled up with their lights and sirens screaming.
“At least I got you to act out. Now you aren’t so “peaceful” are you?” The man said with his last bit of air.
“What seems to be the problem here? Did you attack this man?” the policeman asked.
“Okay, yes I did attack him and I can’t believe I did. I never do this, I’m sorry sir. This won’t change who I am as I believe there is always a peaceful solution.”
“I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to take you down to the station and charge you with disorderly conduct and assaulting this man.” The policeman said.
“What? Are you serious? But this isn’t me! I didn’t hurt him and he provoked me.”
“I’m going to press charges. You need to learn a lesson and realize that sometimes there are only physical solutions. Words alone cannot resolve conflict,” said the man.
“Just shut up and leave, I think you have done enough damage.”
“Okay, have it your way, princess.”
“Ugh!” Victoria rolls her eyes as the man starts to walk away back to his car. The man laughs as he drives off and throws his cup of Starbucks out the window in their direction.
“I can’t believe that guy, he is such a jerk!”
“That may be Miss, but I’m still going to have to arrest you.”
“Please don’t!” begs Victoria. The kind officer decides to let her go with a warning and a promise to not do it again.
“Don’t worry. You can’t let him or others like him get to you,” says Heather.
“Oh my god, what is happening to me? I can’t believe I let myself get so upset over a guy like that.”
“Everything is going to be fine. You are still the Victoria I know and the friend I love.”
“Maybe, but unfortunately I think he proved his point. There are times when your morals, your ideas, or your way of life are threatened and words are not enough.”
“You’re kidding right? You can’t give in to their animalistic instincts. War is not the answer.”
“You’re right, now we need to focus our energy on more important things, like getting our troops home, I think…” Victoria wonders if bringing our troops home and physical conflict are really different or just a different side of the same goal.