Narrative Visual Perspective in Digital Media

  • Introduce and feature your Pro Tools + Reason Music Scores
    • Import mp3 (NOT .wav) files to your Media library and then insert the mp3 files into your page which will have some minimal user controls to play, pause, rewind, fast forward
  • Introduce and explain your Javascript/jQuery Splash Screen and how you used coding for formatting and for functionality. Screenshots of coding is always impressive.
  • Introduce, explain, and feature your collaborative Multi-Layered Project
    • Display your scans of hand drawn sketches
    • Make a copy of your Illustrator file. Change all the strokes to 1 pt. (or more) width (instead of 0.001 pt) so the strokes are visible. Take and display screenshots of your Illustrator art.
    • Using the small Photo Light Box, take several photos of your final piece(s) and feature them on your website. Submit your photos UsernamE-Layered1.jpg, UsernamE-Layered2.jpg, etc. to the Multi-Layered Photos dropbox folder. Due 2/12/2020.

Reflection: What was the inspiration for your production? What did you value from the Multi-Layered Project? Copy and paste your answers to this Submit Artist Statement webpage – due 2/12/2020 – so that I can create a gallery of everyone’s photos along with your Artist Statements