
This unit challenged are creative thinking focusing on unconventional ways to express ourselves. This allowed for creative freedom expressing opinions through skill of modern professional equipment to create poetry and a experimental film.

As a freestyle student we are given a different opportunity to education using creativity to answer critical questions. This approach in my classes has allowed me to express my emotions through art and has given me the chance to use advanced editing tools. I’ve enjoyed being able to express my creative with peers that have only been supporting and improve what i believe is art.


During our conceptual unit we had a randomly generated prompts and had to direct a Haiku video using said prompt. This challenged our creative thinking by having to connect a photo with our Haiku and through video editing and symbolic language.

One of our first projects introduced us to the type of creative thinking we will have get adjusted to. We were introduced to new tools in premier pro that helped us convey our Haiku in a short video. This project got us familiar with the type of work we will be doing and introduced us to the sort of platforms we are going to be using.

Why Art?

We were given the choice between what articles from the New York times of “Why Art?”. We had to read and learn about creativity and how different artist used it to create their work but also their opinion to what creativity is to them. We also had to find and pick an artist of our choice to not just research and write about but connect to and have an understanding of their perspective for art on spiritual level.

Experimental film

We were challenged to make an abstract film using the same prompt as our Haiku video. This made our task more challenging having to come up with a creativity way to show our interpretation of the prompt. Being able to collaborate with other film students was useful in coming up with interpretation of said prompts also in the creative film making decisions getting support with camera setting, background light, and camera noise.