Welcome to my Narrative Website!
Content for id "TextProjects" Goes Here

Welcome to... Maxwell Evans' FANTASTIC Narrative Website! In this website, you will find everything interesting that I have created between the months of November 2013 and January 2014. All of this was made at Freestyle Academy, during the second unit (The Narritive Unit). Please enjoy your stay, and feel free to explore this website to your heart's content!

A wooden cane!

The Narritive Unit at Freestyle Academy focuses on the ability to tell a story. Each class (English, Design, and Web/Audio) had different projects we had to complete in order to create this website.

In English, we created two flash fictions, which are stories consisting of 500 words or less. After picking the one I liked the best, it later became the base for pretty much everything else we did during this unit.

In Design, we created a character portrait, which is basically a proffesional photo of the main character in our story.

In Web/Audio, we began to work on our animation. To first make this animation, however, we created an animatic, which is basically a series of sketches played after one another, which later became the basis for the final animation. Along with the animation, I also created this very website you are currently on.

A book of swag!

The narrative unit has definitely been a very difficult one. I've had a lot of trouble with both my animation and the website making. It was a fun experience, no doubt, but I think this unit made me realize I won't be a professional animator in the future.

Well now, I've told you all that I can. I guess all you can do now is either leave this website and never return, or hit the buttons to the left and see all there is too see. Enjoy!