

The Conceptual Project for junior students aims to enhance abstract thinking and communication abilities by addressing the question, “How can I utilize unconventional forms of expression?”

This project encourages creative experimentation in various artistic mediums, including poetry, music, art, and experimental film. It challenges students to convey ideas and perspectives through a unique personal aesthetic. To support this, students learn to use a range of contemporary professional equipment and applications, including DSLR Cameras, Audio Recorders, and various Adobe software tools such as Photoshop, Animate, Premiere Pro, and Audition.

Being a Freestyle/English/Digital Media student is an amazing opportunity because I get to explore a wide range of creative and technical activities. I enjoy exploring different and unconventional forms of art like poetry, music, film, and web production. The program encourages me to take creative risks, express myself, and discover my unique style.


For this assignment in English, we explored Haikus, a type of short Japanese poem that have a specific syllable structure. We were challenged to express a moment or emotion in just these few lines using powerful imagery and other elements. For this assignment in Digital media, we created a video using visuals and audios to convey and expand the emotions from the Haiku we wrote.

Here is a screenshot of my haiku project (behind the scenes magic!) on Adobe Premiere Pro which is where I created the video.

The Haiku Video production was a valuable experience. It allowed me to merge Haikus with video production, challenging me to condense meaning into a short video. This project improved my storytelling and video editing skills, providing a unique way to express myself through words and visuals.

Why Art? Essay

In the “Why Art?” essay assignment, we were inspired by various sources. We read the play “RED” which focused a lot on Mark Rothko along with the work of numerous artists. A visit to the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) exposed us to a wide range of art forms. We also explored different articles on the importance of art, offering diverse perspectives which we would then connect to our own essay art and our analysis of different artworks.

You can also listen to my essay with the audio below!

Photoshop Blend Mode Editing

In this section on Photoshop Blend Modes in Digital Media, we explored the powerful tools that enhance images images visually. Blend Modes offer a dynamic way to combine layers, creating unique and captivating effects that elevate the overall design and composition of our digital media projects.

What do you value about learning about and creatively using Photoshop Blend Modes?

I value learning Photoshop Blend Modes for their ability to enhance image manipulation and create unique visual effects.

How do you see yourself using your new Photoshop skills with your creative projects?

2. I plan to incorporate these skills into my creative projects by experimenting with blending techniques to bring a distinct and professional look to my designs and photos (for future photo blogs, DM assignments, and personal photographs too)!


Entering the Conceptual assignments in Film is a thrilling exploration of creative storytelling. As a Film student, I’ve come to appreciate the powerful blend of technical skill and imaginative storytelling. What I value most is the opportunity to turn ideas into compelling visual narratives, constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity in each project.

Experimental Film Synopsis

The process for creating my experimental film began with brainstorming unique concepts aligned with my concept statement: I am exploring the feeling of serenity while remembering a childhood experience. I planned visual elements (while embracing experimentation in cinematography, lighting, and editing). Collaboration from Mr. Taylor and my peers as well as continuous refinement play a crucial role.

DoubleMint Effect Video