

Zenith project was the final project of our freestyle careers, it was an accumulation of the gained skills we were most proud of. Zenith is used to refer to the highest point that a celestial body reaches during its orbit at a given point of observation and thus the highest accumulation our works was titled so. this project was a lot to take on, and I risked not finnishing by putting so much on my plate. It would be a huge test of what id learned in design.

My project

I decided to create design media for a non-existent restaurant for my zenith. this initially included a menu, a web ad and a desktop website, but later I added a magazine ad, a mobile website and business card.

My works

I started by making a calendar of all the things I needed to complete for my project.

Then I began working on my menu, I went through a few variations before I was happy with it, but eventually, I found a design I liked.

I then started on my web ad, since we’d done similar things before in class this was easier to accomplish. Zenith started to seem less daunting now, but making a website seemed like was going to be a challenge.

Moving on to the website was anxiety-inducing at first, but once I decided to make a mock-up in illustrator it became a lot easier. I made four pages, a home page, a reservations page, a digital menu, and a locations page. I went through many edits and changes but with feedback from my peers, I was able to find a design that fits really well with my overall theme.

By the time id finished all of this I was way ahead of schedule, I had nearly two whole months left to fill. I asked my teacher what to do next, she suggested I make a magazine ad swell, and a business card and my mom suggested that I expand my website and make a mobile version.

So I started with the mobile website, it was more difficult to work in a confined space and took some getting used to but soon I was moving on to my magazine ad

The magazine ad was a bit more difficult for me, I don’t read magazines and had to do some research to see what would be good. I think it came out well though.

Finally I made some business cards and that wrapped up m y zenith project nicely.

This project was one of my favorites and I’m very proud of how it came out. while there was a lot of work to do and at times I struggled I’m happy to end my year on this bitter-sweet note.