• Photo Narrative
  • Illustration

Breaking the Cycle




Growing up as a middle sibling of four brothers, I can remember many times where I felt left out. For parents, time is an issue when trying to distribute it amongst the family. As hard as they try, it seems, someone always gets left out. I am not saying that I am that kid, but rather I know how it feels. With my knowledge, I hope one day to be the parent that gives their attention to all the children equally, and not accidentally ignore a child in need of attention.    

My Narrative project consists of two photos; one of the subject as a child, and one as an adult.  I choose to use a spotlight that shines down on the scene to show that the importance of my piece was the main character. Most of the photo sits in darker hues and shades which contributes to the depressive mood. The hand placement of the main character as a little boy is very similar to that as an adult which allows the reader to connect the two scenes.

Truth and Thought


ThumbnailWhen life gets too crazy or unmanageable, sometimes, it is essential to have a way to escape from it all. the escape method is not what is important but getting into that zone of pure emptiness is the goal. In the illustration from my narrative story, a boy is trying to get away from all the pressure and problems in his surroundings and which society has forced on him. He is free-falling into the deepest depths of though but something holds him back. Tentacles reach out and grasp his limp body. hey catch him before he can get away and he becomes rapped in the middle of truth and thought. He spends his days either free from society and peer pressure or trying to fit in with the rest of the world.

I decided to use different shades of purple and red to portray the dark and thoughtful presence that the boy so desires as well as the stress and cruelty of the world he lives in. The duct-tape texture on the boy symbolizes how he has none one he can talk to so he keeps it all in. The "T's" represent Thought and Truth which are the two opposing states of which the mind can dwell in. Truth is what is said to be true and fact, and thought is what your mind perceives to be true. The words at the top and the bottom represent how different these two mind sets are because you can only read the word one at a time.

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