
For our photo-narrative assignment, we set out to create a dyptich that told a story.
That's basically the sum of my understanding.
Again, I would like to thank the wonderful David Reid for modeling in a dress.
Thank you. I love you.

Once upon a time, many years ago, there was a boy named Noam. Noam was born into a normal seeming household. However, within the confines of his room, Noam was trapped. Noam's parent's had confined him to the walls of his room. For years, Noam's parents neglected and ignored him. A few days short of his twelfth birthday, his parents were discovered, and arrested. What the police found was not a disturbed child, but one oddly at ease with himself and others.
Noam did not suffer from years of abuse, neglect, and loneliness. Noam had a friend. Noam had invented a friend. Julia was her name. Noam spent his early days playing with Julia. Having dinner with his bear named Frederick. Noam and Julia lived in peace with each other. Perfect harmony. Noam and Julia. They completed one another.
The picture on the right is what's left of Noam's bedroom walls. Noam often communicated with Julia through messages on the wall, because they could never talk directly towards each other, because their personalities both occupied the same body. The words speak "we love you" in German. It's oddly apparent that Noam and Julia were all that each other had.
The picture on the left is of Julia having dinner with Frederick. One of their everyday tasks to make the hours pass. Noam didn't have any friends. So he made friends. And that's how Noam got by. Noam survived through his creativity. Noam survived through the remaining desire he had to love. Julia kept him on the brink of sanity.