For this project, me and my group(Melissa Pinkner and Alexa Hamlin) decided to record youtube like pranks in public. We made public interviews, pranked people in downtown Mountain View, and made “embarrasing phone calls” in public while standing right next to people. I got many of these ideas through youtube pranksters such as Vitaly and an account called LiveLoveServe,  from doing public interviews to public pranks I got most of my ideas from watching these videos. One part that was challenging for this project was finding people that would give out good reactions. When interviewing people(total ~20 people), only about 5 or 6 of them gave out good reactions, which made it challenging for us to find good “funny” content to add to these interviews.

For this project, in order to find people to interview, we had to go to public places where we could find and “endless” amount of people to interview. We ended up shooting most of our interviews at both Mountain View High school and Downtown MountainView and got all of our footage from those two places.

DownTown Mountain View

Because our project consisted of interviews, there was no real process other than brainstorming which questions we would use in the interview, 1) being who is the 50th president of the US? And 2) How many feet are in an inch? We decided  to use these questions as it would get our interviewees thinking about the questions, most of the time answering the questions completely wrong.

I’ve always loved youtube pranksters and public interviews so to actually work on one and make it made me really excited and happy. This project is definitely something I will look back at all the time and is something I am very proud of.