
What is inspiring to me about the future? Well, that it exists. The future exists and no matter how many leap seconds they keep throwing my way, it is approaching, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.

The end.


I apologize for being unable to slap an NSFL tag on this post, because this post is a sin and it may take you a little time to recover from seeing this. It did taste fine, though.

Current Events

I’m scheduling this post in advance from 8 days early, so I have no idea how COVID-19 is doing now in this ever-changing landscape. But right now it’s killed my drive and made me miserable and sick. Disappointments everywhere, and intensifying frustration and anger with the hypocrites on the school board who have the gall to cancel every tiny event they can while refusing to even mention the blatant contagious nature of 3000 students in a confined space daily. Overall, this has happened during a time in my life when things were going really well, and now I don’t know how they’re going.

So here’s a picture of some clouds to the east at sunset. They’re nice clouds, but for some reason they look kind of sickly here. It should be nice, but it’s sickly. So there. That’s how I feel as a result of current events. I also feel very snarky.


Here’s a photo of me playing what appears to be an E with a G# on a keyboard. Since November, I’ve taught myself how to play the piano, ukulele, and a basic understanding of music theory, as well as how to play the guitar (I understand how to do it, I’m just terrible at it). Here’s me playing the keyboard at 12:50 AM. I need to remove the blue tape, though, because it makes the keys look so much less photogenic.


Ah, yes, work. I certainly know work. Working on the Narrative 2 project was a nightmare, so, yeah. This is a mess of a photo from between shoots. The disorganization of this environment only fueled my insanity, and surprisingly, my ability to work. Somehow. No idea. And I don’t want to see this photo ever again.

The Elements

Again, I’ll refresh your memory. I love storms. This is following the first wave of downpour in a storm and before a wave of rain that dropped over an inch and even spawned a freak lightning bolt in the Los Altos Hills. It was the night that the west coast was hit by a “bomb cyclone.”

I mostly liked this image because it had a creepy foreboding aura to it that I only really see on the east coast. That creepy brightness shortly before the intense center of the storm hits, with a weird slight tint of reddish-orange. The soaked grass, dirt, leaves, and shining street. It’s beautiful.


In the spirit of Thanksgiving, here’s what I’m thankful for. In a year in which I very rarely wake up in a good mood, here is one thing that I can’t help but smile when I wake up to see.

I swear, I have more than just this one cat. I will have to make sure the rest of them get equal representation from here on out.

And don’t you rag on me for my room being so undecorated and bland. I know, I know. There was a wasp nest in the attic and they had to carve into my ceiling and let the wasps die all over the floor, and then fix it up, at which point we decided to repaint the walls. And I’ve been too busy to truly settle back in yet. I’ll get to it.

Who Inspires You

October 23, 2019 was the 24th anniversary of this album right here. I know I’ve said it a million times, but I’ll do it again— this is my favorite album ever created.

Billy Corgan may be sort of a terrible person, but The Smashing Pumpkins have inspired me more than words could do justice to. And that’s what this week’s post was all about— celebrating something that inspires us. Well, here it is. My favorite band to ever grace this planet.

Seriously, go listen to them if you haven’t already. Go on, do it. I’ll wait. You might just be glad you did.

Your Habits

Here’s a picture of my friend David eating the final slice of pizza at Mountain Mike’s. This was actually supposed to be my slice, but then we took this photo, and I let him have it, since he looked so hopeful and got so close. I’m such a selfless humanitarian.

This week we were supposed to make a post about our habits, whether they be good or bad. Cheese pizza is my favorite food. I eat too much of it. That’s my habit. It’s very good.