photo narrative "For the past four months I've slept little. I've ate little. I've gone to school very little. For the past four months all I've been doing from when I wake up till I go to bed is blow glass. I'm failing school but whatever. It's gotten to the point that it hurts to close my eyes at night from staring into the glorious flame for so long. All my shirts have fat burn holes in them, thus my clothes are rags. I think I'm an addict, because some tell me I have a problem. The whole blowing glass idea started as just talk but when I got put on prohabation last winter I decided to actually pursue my dreams of making glass. My first set up was in my backyard but I was fortunate enough to find a place where I could blow in privacy. You see I get a bit nervous when people are watching and sometimes I break shit. But whatever. I make glass all day it doesn't really matter. When people find out I blow glass, they look at me funny. You know like when they curl their eyebrows or maybe smirk a bit. They think it's a joke because they don't know anyone else who does it. But I can't help but wonder whether blowing glass makes me weird. Why don't I play sports or music or something more conventional? Is glass blowing really a problem? Maybe I should go to Glass Blowers anonymous. But in reality, I'm not the one who's weird. Other people are the freaking weirdos. Glass is more than their stupid football and soccer. It's art and it's a lifestyle. Glass is my will soon be my profession and my future."








short story