
Welcome to my profile website! For the profile unit at Freestyle, we were asked to choose, interview, and write a profile essay on an individual that we found interesting. My website revolves around Barabara Gottesman, a life coach from Menlo Park, California. Barb spends her days helping her peers to lead healthier and more positive lives.

Throughout this website you will find the commercial I created about Barb, using Adobe After Effects, my magazine, created using Adobe InDesign, and a photogallery of my subject.

This website is dedicated to Barbara Gottesman. Without her generously giving her time, this project would not have been possible. Below you will find my commercial that I created on Barb. Please click play to watch the video.


Magazine Thumbnail.

Below you will find my magazine article. This article includes text prom my English profile essay as well as the photos I took of my subject during the project. I also included my very own design elements, which are meant to tie the piece together. This magazine was created in Adobe InDesign, just like my documentary book from junior year here at Freestyle. Working with InDesign for a second time was way easier because I knew the application a lot better. Something unique about this magazine article is that I created a one letter font using my newly learned typography skills. The magazine features a color scheme that I thought suited Barb and her work the best.

Barb Gottesman
In her home
Barb and Bentley
In her front yard
Barb Gottesman
In her home
Barb Gottesman
With her dogs
Barb Gottesman
In her home
Barb Gottesman
In her home
Barb Gottesman
With her dogs
Barb Gottesman
In her home
Barb Gottesman
In her home
Barb Gottesman
In her home
Barb and Danielle
With her daughter, Danielle
Barb and Danielle
With her daughter, Danielle
Barb Gottesman
In her home
Barb Gottesman
In her home
Barb Gottesman
In her home
Barb Gottesman
In her home

Below you will find all of my interviews from the profile process. My star interviewee was Barb Gottesman and I interviewed her two children, Danielle and Harrison. .

Barb Gottesman: Barb is my star profile interviewee. She is the author of a book, a loving mother, and an accomplished life coach. Barb and her family went sailing around the world for two and a half years. Her book, How To Slay A Pirate details her adventures on the sailboat as well as how her life coaching plays a role in the sailing process.

Danielle Mitgang: Danielle is Barbs daughter. She was super important during the interview process because she helped me see the side of her mom that wasn’t all ‘life-coaching’ oriented. Danielle showed me that Barb is a mom as well as a life-coach. Danielle is a senior at Kehillah in Palo Alto.

Harrison Mitgang: Harrison, like Danielle, served as a crucial interviewee because he helped me understand Barb as a mother figure. He is currently a freshman at Kehillah in Palo Alto. He is interested in technology and engineering.