
During this past semester, my Freestyle courses have pushed me academically and broadening my skills in the world of technology. Each classes presents new and challenging problems that are not easy to overcome, but with the support of the Freestyle staff and the amazing community fostered on campus, I was able to thrive and hurdle all problems thrown my way. In my animation class, I had the task of creating short animations, both on paper and digitally. At first this was difficult and was a major challenge, seeing as I was going into this with zero experience. however over time, I started to get the hang of the paper and digital animations alike , and learned softwares that help me animate more complex scenes currently. I was also met with similar challenges when faced with my digital media class. I had to learn foreign softwares and confusing file management that left me intimidated my first time encountering it. Fortunately with the help of the class teacher Mr. Flo and his extensive tutorials on all softwares needed for the class, this became an insignificant roadblock on my way to becoming an expert in these softwares. I faced different but interesting challenges in my english class as well. I had a very hard time with creative writing block, and not being able to express what I wanted in writing. My english teacher Mr Greco helped me with this and was very helpful in helping my ideas come out more natural on paper and more how i envisioned them in my mind.

Photo Haiku

In our english class we had a photo haiku Unit where we studied and read haikus and as our final project, we ot to write our own