The Mug Life

The Narrative 2 project encouraged me to tell a narrative driven story. I got to experiment with different tools and programs to figure out which way worked best for me.

It started in English class, where I brainstromed for an idea which I could eventually create into an animation. The brainstroming included coming up with interesting characters and a goods storyline. The goal was to create a story with some kind of conflict or issue that had to be solved. I then wrote a screenplay to help the animation process, as well as three stories from different characters perspectives to make sure I understood what was going on with each character.

Script Screenshot
Book cover screenshot

After coming up with a good idea for my story, I started working on the Narrative Project in Design class. I created a book cover for my story. It was not only fun, but also very useful because even having a little bit of knowledge about book design might turn out to be very helpful in the future.

Then, finally, I started working on the animation in Web/Audio. Animating is an exhausting and time consuming process, and it makes you appreciate all the animated movies you watch on a different level than before. I used Adobe After Effects to animate, and Pro Tools to record and edit the necessary audio. I also creatd this website in Web/Audio, on which you can find all the work I did during the Narrative unit. To create the website, I used php, which was completely new to me.

Learning php has been not only an interesting but also very confusing experience. The possibilities php offers seem limitless, but being able to comprehend it enough to use it to its full potential will take quite a bit of time. However, I've really enjoyed learning new code, and seeing how it works to make a coders life easier.

Animation Screenshot
Pro Tools Screenshot

Before I started learning php, I never even thought about how difficult setting up a page like amazon would be if you didn't have php code to help you. Setting up passwords, contact boxes and ways to search for specific items on a website with millions of optios is all made possible through php, and even though I just peeked into the world of this type of code, I can't wait to learn more.

But now back to the Narrative Unit. You can find the stories I wrote in English, the book cover I designed in Design and the animation I created in Web/Audio all on this website. So please, look around and have fun!

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