

this is whatever might be on my mind at the moment.


Wednesday May 22nd, 2008

      Alright, so this morning. I wake up at 6:20 to get to choir class on time. but low and behold, there is NO ONE there. Mr. Shaull, the butthead he is, didnt send out an email to tell us all that there WAS no concert choir this morning. So, he's gonna have a group of very annoyed singers Friday at lunch. And i'm still in a predicament about when the hell I'm gonna take that trig test that i'm missing. I can't make up the Chem test, cause Mr. Seran is also a butthead... well not really, but you get my point, right? Anyway, my weekend was actually not too bad. Saturday, the Speedbump, Ely and I all worked on the cars alot to get them ready for Race Day. I secured the plastic bits in the back of Blue, and kept them from flappin around like some woman's dress in the wind. After that, we checked over the cars for loose bolts. Found a frame bolt loose, one of the driveshaft security bolts loose, so we had to fix all that up. So then Sunday rolls around, i wake up run out, buy the shoe polish that we need to get the numbers on the cars. And then i head out to Autocross       THEN after we sweep two divisions (1st place) as the only high school team to do that, we get hella happy. But my day still wasnt over. Still had a concert to get ready for. 100 freaking degrees, in a 5 piece tux, under a billion damnlights


Friday, May 15th, 2008

     So, basically, not much has been happening at Freestyle lately. We're learning alot about Pro-tools plug-ins and such. Thank god we dont have to make an animation for any music we produce. That would be a pain in the arse. like, not even kidding. Flash is a difficult program to adjust to. But once we're there, we're there. Like, Jimmy, he's hella pro with Flash. Not even kidding. Enough of my ranting about Freestyle though. This Weekend will royally suck. Probably. but i could be wrong. My cousins are coming this afternoon, and i've got all this crap going down this weekend. Saturday, i've got to be at school to work on the cars, they need to be preped for Race day, which is Sunday. So, that will occupy my entire day. After that, I go home, and hang out with the extended family. No coke-a-cola in the house, or we will all be doomed. The twins go INSANE on sugar. Then at 7:00, i have to go to my ex's birthday party, which would be akward, but apparently she told all her friends that i'm loads of fun, then she told me that she'd practically pimp them out to me. yay. Okay, then there's Sunday. Wake up hella early. Go to De Anza, for the Annual Duel At DeAnza, and Autocross race. I have to maintain 3 cars, and keep them all preped for their runs, make sure that the driver ID numbers are on the right cars at the right times and so on. Later that evening, i have the Concert, which i have to show up early to, so i can set up microphones and all that jazz. I dont even know if my tux is home from the cleaners, if it went at all..... So yeah, my weekend is gonna be a long... hard... ride.


Monday, May 5th, 2008

      Alrght, so here we are, One week after the documentary exhibition. I got hosed. My slideshow was watchable, but not controllable. And that is gonna take some major points out. Uhg. This weekend was awful. Saturday, i wake up at 6:00. go to LAHS, take the SAT, Go to keeble and Schucat, find out that i can't actually do my experemental project, because the equiptment they have available doesnt work for what i need. Then, hoping not to abandon the project as a whole, i drive up to skyline to find my spot where i can park this equiptment. Easier said than done. And on top of that, i was stuck behind some bozo who was driving up the entirety of Page Mill Road at 20 mph. I kid you not. so I almost fell asleep driving up Page Mill road. After that, i get home, and go to sleep, until the next morning. SOOO Sunday comes along, and i wake up at 7:00. I have to get dressed in my tux, because there's a Concert Choir performance at the Palo Alto Methodist Church, We get there, sing, i mess up in one of the songs. What was in my head wasnt actually in the paper. I missed a half-rest. otherwise that whole shebang went really well. Then all 85 people in Concert Choir go to the Cheesecake Factory. oh boy. We overloaded them. It was really funny walking through Downtown Palo Alto with all of concert choir in tuxedos and really fancy dresses. We got some interesting looks.


Monday April 28, 2008

      Well, this week, i have discovered exactly how far behind i am in this march toward the exhibition next week. I just finished separating all my audio files, and that means i'm hosed for the exhibition and completing my audio slideshow. So that's all wonderful... In other news, I got my MRI for my knee last week, and i'm still waiting for the results from the doctor. I want to know if i'll be able to comete this week. Leauges are tomorrow and Thursday. If i can't compete in thoes two meets, i'll be somewhat sad. Only somewhat though. Stuff like this makes me wonder. Since we're almost done with this unit, we're moving into experemental in English. Starting to work on some poetry. It's been a while since the last time i wrote any poetry, so it's probably gonna suck. Majorly. BLAH. what else is goin on.... Not too much actually. I do think my phone bill is going to skyrocket... stupid girls. all they do is txt txt txt... and pretty soon it's gonna be comin outa my pocket.


Friday April 11, 2008

      Alright, this week. I have discovered that procrastinating on Freestyle work is deadly. Like, seriously so. I like, took two web days off cause i was feeling like crap, and then BAM i'm two weeks behind most everyone else. Everyone right now is working on finishing their Audio documentary, and i'm still fooling around with my final audio clips.... life can suck sometimes. But on another note, i'm gonna have spring break to catch up. If i can ever get the Flash CS3 Demo to work on my retarded computer. There's trouble loading up the trial period... or something like that. Also, i went to the sports medicine doctor for my knee, she says she wants me to get an MRI because i might have damaged my miniscus. just flipping PERFECT. i was ready to shoot her. ESPECIALLY when the nurse told me that i'd have to wait until the 22nd of april to get the retarded test..... well. life is being mean to me.... Toodles for now.


Friday, March 28 2008

     I like cake, did you know that? I really do. Cake is a wonderful thing. Made of sugar,flour, egg, brown sugar, baking powder, a little bit more sugar, some chocolate, and an oven. yum. Cake. okay, so this week, i've done nothing particularly interesting. I went to the doctor for my knee, which i messed up at the meet at Milpitas. And she told me. "oh you're doing everything I could possibly tell you to do, so i want you to keep off your knee for a while until the sports medicine doctor can look at it." IN TWO WEEKS. So i'm just like, "hell no" i'll give it another three days. then i'll be like, WOOO LETS RUN! yeahh just wait. I'm gonna break my freaking knee next time. And then I will be one very pissed off web student.


March 20th, 2008

     Well, this week wasnt half bad. I started out on monday, feelin pretty good. I'd had a pretty good weekend. asked some chicka out, right when her cell phone died, so she didnt actually know, and I thought that was pretty hilarious. ahh, what else. Oh yeah, Los Altos Vs. Milpitas track meet. Varsity boys WIN, JV girls WIN! F/S boys, got WIPED OUT (99/27) and varsity girls lost by one point. Sucks for that. Um. I love cake. what else.... OH yeah, i made the most amazing milkshake last night. Double Rainbow Ice Cream, 2 scoops coffee, 3 scoops chocolate, 1 scoop vanilla, some half & half, then whole milk. blend that up, and you've got an incredible milkshake. I also made some tomato gazpacho that was pretty good. 5 vine ripened tomatoes, peeled and seeded, 1 red bell peper, half of a red onion, jalepeno chile, 2 cucumbers (peeled and seeded) all chopped up and blended together. It was pretty delicous. Come to think of it, most food is pretty delicious


March 10th, 2008

    This laste weekend was quite possibly the longest of my life. Friday evening, go to bed early. Saturday morning, get a wake up txt at 5:30 in the morning. 5:30!!! Get up, get dressed for the Track meet in Watsonville. Cook up some breakfast, get the camera, grab some water. Head out for school! Then there's the hour and a half long bus ride over the santa cruz mountains to Watsonville, 75 miles away. Get to watsonville at 8:15. Track meet, run run run run run, and then when the time comes for the 800 meter relay, they start the race, then when we're all 150 meters down range, they shoot the gun for a false start. That pretty much ruined my day. Then, they give us some time, and we start again. 23 second split for me! thats actually pretty good. Varsity Boys got 2nd place for the 800M relay on saturday. Yesss!!!! and also, Varisty Boys got 2nd place for the Long Jump, where we all jumped really poorly. No PRs. Just the same old stuff. And then we start to come home at 6:30 PM. 12 hours after we left. We get back to LAHS at 8:00. and thats just saturday. On sunday, I slept good and well. wake up, do some stuff, break out photoshop, and work on getting some work done for a commission. then i look at the clock and i'm like holy s**t. Need to get dressed for the concert! I whip on my tux, get the Freestyle recording equiptment, and head out to Palo Alto Methodist. 5:00 to 9:00. We sing the beautiful pieces known as the Bach #106 Cantata, Maurice Durafle's Requiem, and Mainstreet took the most beautiful piece, "The Ocean of Peace". One hell of a weekend, if I say so myself.


March 4th, 2008

    Welcome to March, a month of months, in the year of years, in the 7th millenium of human society. Today is a good day. Yesterday was the first day I've been to track in like, a week. I got really sick over ski week. but it sure felt good coming back and running. I also got to buy a brand new pair of track spikes. special for jumping. 20+feet here i come. we're gonna SMASH mountain view in the jumps and probably the sprints. maybe the throws too... However, Scotty is in trouble. they've got some Really fast distance runners. Oh well, thats not till' next week. This week is Los GATOS! Our real school rivalry. Time to go get em'



February 29th, 2008

    Today is February 29th! That means that it's leap year... yay. The last two weeks have been really busy. When we went to Seattle, I got to experience an Ice Bath for the first time. It was probably one of the most painful experiences of my life. But in the end it was completely worth it. I would not even hesitate to do another one. Then, I got sick. and that sucked royally. On top of that, the Concert Choir/Main Street concert is in like, a week and a half. Most of the singers are sick, so it's not just me. How are we going to sound if we all can't sing? and there are the myriad other things to mention. But i'm not going to. Just because =)


February 15th, 2008

     Well, here we are, and Winter break is approaching. first step, Fox athletics is going to Seattle!!! awesome. then, i get to go and snowboard for a few days. Heavanly , here I come. Im really looking forward to this vacation. I really need the time off to unwind. I also need to take pictures for Ms. P. So much work to do, so little time. I've been spending too much time txting someone

You know who you are!!!

Alright, thanks for checkin up on this. Most of the time I think its just me talkin to Mr. Florendo. Scary thought huh?


February 6th, 2008

     Oki dokie! it is almost valentines day now. How fun is that? And it's high time for a movie. it has been something like, 10 months since the last movie i watched in a theater. I think that it was Transformers. Boy, that seems like an eon ago. Jolly good! And thank goodness that i'm done working on that blasted flash animation. It was probably one of the most time consuming things i've ever done. yada yadda. Hillary Clinton won California. Nice try Barak. If I could vote, you'd have gotten mine. There is major division between Barak Obama and Clinton, almost a 50/50 split. when that happpens (historically) new parties are created.., We certainly don't need any more of thoes.

January 17th, 2008

     Alright, it has been a really long time since my last update. More than a month in fact. And since then, some good stuff has happened. Starting early in January, my track team Fox Athletics, has been training really hard for the Indoor Track season.
Last weekend, we went to the Los Gatos All Comers meet, and ran to get a feel of our skills. The past three months of training has cut 0.8 seconds off my 100 meter time, and 1.4 seconds off my 200 meter time. I'm also going to Concer Choir camp this weekend. Thats gonna be a blast. I'm pretty sure we're going into the Santa Cruz Mountains, which arent so much as mountains as really big hills. It's really fun to drive Highway 17 though. all the curves, hills and such make for a very good time.

My grades came back, and some classes i'm sure I could have done better in.
a 3.27 GPA. It's not very encouraging for my future, but i'm trying to make the best of it.

Well, G'day yall,

December 14th, 2007

It's 11 days till xmas. Sounds good. There's all this nice music playing over here, and thats always an exciting time of year. The sad thing is, I had a run-in with my mom's stash of presents. funny story kinda. So my friend Chris Mok had just bought some new HD TVs on Black Friday, and we were all excited cause we were going to go over to his house and play Halo 2 for a few hours. However, i'm the only person who has these 25 foot ethernet cables. Another thing to understand is that my mother has this annoying habbit of putting stuff away in different places from where I know to look. so, i'm looking for my ethernet cables, and I stumbled across my Xmas stash. I looked at it for a sec before I said "DAMNIT!"


November 20th, 2007

happy humanity sat on a wall,

happy humanity had a great fall,

and all of our efforts to put him to mend,

couldn't make happy be human again

   this is the rhyme told by "the weatherman" in Terry Brook's story Armageddon's Children. This rhyme stuck with me, because it was so... strange. The story tells about a world where mankind is in a state of chaos, and it's story is being told in the context of a nursery rhyme... thats soo far out. It just came into my head. Thanksgiving week!!! yummmmm. Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, pecan and pumpkin pie!

all good things. well, I'm gonna talk to y'all later.


November 7th, 2007

Oh my god, i found the best dougnut shop EVER today. It was like, nirvana.

so, basically, me and two other guys were workin in the shop, cutting up wiring harnesses, cleaning up valve covers and so on, and this is very tiring work, so we decided to go to get some food. Dougnuts, we decided. so we head to downtown, so, on the way, my friend is driving his nice car, and its rather loud. So he keeps it in 2nd gear, and punches it. RPMs soar, and this woman running down the street whips out her cell phone before we got up to 30 miles per hour. I wonder what she was thinking... I guess I should stop rambling now... l8er y'all


October 31st, 2007

     All Hallows Eve, or Halloween. YAY! I guess. I decided to wear a gas mask with a wig. I've got this feeling in my guy, or the back of my throat in reality, that i'm going to get alot of questions about my getup. but who cares really? Its just another holiday that no-one takes seriously. Still, i'm looking forward to trick or treating, its gonna be alot of fun. I might stop over at the haunted house for a little while, just to see how it turned out. The short story can wait a little bit. I just need to remember to write it.

October 24th, 2007

     Now, just the other day, i had arrangements with some friends as to who would go to lunch with who. Now, normally, there are a set number of us, and that doesn't change. See, we have a system. you ask the driver if you're going to lunch with them. Now, this time, we were going to have another dude come with us, who doesn't normally come with us. One of our regulars, seems to have taken his regularity for granted. It was his obstinence that forced this new guy to forfeit his lunch, and I think that was A. Inconsiderate of others, B. Inconsiderate of the driver, because he was going out of his way to take his friends to lunch, and he was being taken for granted. and C. Downright spoiled.


October 16th 2007

           alright, so this whole week, we've had the funkiest weather i've ever seen. A few days ago it was raining so much, the water was coming off the roof as a waterfall. This morning, we had clear skies! California is a nice place and all, but really, this weather has to stop. Whats interesting, is that it has kept getting worse and worse every year. Two years ago, we had a solid month of rainfall. Then, last year, we didnt get enough. I think that California is just different in that aspect, but there's no logical reason for the weather to be freaking out like this. However, I think Al Gore would disagree. Global Warming could be to blame, but I guess we just wont know until its too late to change anything.