
To talk about what I learned about PHP I would have to start with the basics. I've never delt with PHP in my life so it would be safe to say I now know what it is. Just like HTML it is complicated. PHP is more secure and is used for paswords and secret webpages for only your eyes and the people you want to see it. Also for PHP you make different web pages instead of making the content shift like we usually do.

Overall this unit has been a fun and stressful project. I enjoyed learning how to use PHP and furthering my knowledge in Adobe Aftereffects. During this unit in Design class, I loved painting my cover for the Book Jacket and applying it to my book. Also it was fun doing my author photo with the background and all the lighting and the DSLR camera. I felt like I was famous or something. I also enjoyed learing how to use ScriptBubby which is a website online that puts your writing into screenplay format. I hope you enjoy all my work and like my website. Enjoy.

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